Talk to her (Aitana Bonmati)

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A/N- quick question- short one shots or longer ones?

Champions league match day. My favourite. We were playing at the Allianz arena today against Barcelona. I walked out of the tunnel with Sarah by my side and admired the pitch. The stadium was empty and kick off was still an hour and a half away.
"The Barcelona players are here as well" Sarah nudged me causing me to look over to where she was looking. A couple of the players had formed a small circle in the middle of the pitch.
"I'm going to say hi" i said leaving Sarah who had started a conversation with Lina.
As I walked over I began to see who was there. Patri, pina, Alexia and Mapi were all gathered deep in conversation.
"Here comes the enemy" patri laughed as she spotted me walking over
"I missed you too, patri" I hugged her before greeting everyone else. Despite playing for Spain together I rarely got to see my friends at Barcelona so when we got drawn in the same group for the champions league I was excited to be reunited with them. I had also missed the recent international games due to injury so it had been months.
"How's the ankle?" Mapi said throwing an arm around my shoulders
"Better now, i won't be at upcoming camps though"
"Why not?" Alexia asked
"Everything going on with Jorge"
"I actually needed to talk to you about that, we were planning on sending an email to the federation telling them things needed to change. Do you want to as well?"
"Yeah of course" i replied "where is she?" I finally pointed out an absence I had noticed immediately
"Where is who?" Mapi teased
"You know who I mean" I blushed
"I don't get why you aren't together yet" pina spoke up
"It's never been the right time" i mumbled
"What's not the right time?" A voice came from behind me and arms wrapped round my neck
"There you are" I turned and burried my head into her neck ignoring the looks everyone was giving me
"I've missed you a lot bonita" she whispered only for me to hear
"Well as cute as this reunion is, we need to go now" Mapi cleared her voice causing me to finally let go
"I'll see you after the game?" Aitana spoke softly, brushing her lips against my cheek
"Of course" and with that she began walking away
"Just tell her how you feel, she feels the same you know" Alexia stayed back and walked with me
"I want to but I don't want to ruin our friendship, we've been friends since we were 10 and I can't loose her" i sighed
"Stop thinking about what you'll loose and think about what you will gain" alexia tapped my head
"Your very wise" i laughed
"I know, but I have to go, your now the enemy" and with that she walked down the tunnel and disappeared.

Half time came round and we were 2-0 down. We began finding our rhythm towards the end of the first half but we still couldn't score. Barcelona were a tough opponent and we didn't have the ball as much as we would have liked. With a slight change in tactics and brining Lina on, we were ready for the second half. We had to be smart with the ball and ruthless without it. Playing against my friends was something I never liked doing but I hated loosing more.
Once again we found our rhythm and began creating chances on the break. Barcelona had a corner and it was quickly kicked away by hanna, I got the ball and spotted Giulia making a run, i sent the ball to her and she was through, only one defender remained but since Lina had made a run as well Giulia squared it and we had finally scored.
It wasn't enough though, we then struggled to get the ball as the Barcelona players seemed happy to pass around without attacking much.

When the full time whistle went we shook hands with the players. I reached the end of the line and saw Aitana talking to one of the coaches
"Just talk to her" patri said standing next to me
"I know, I can't decide what to say. She makes me nervous" i replied as Aitana finished her conversation
"Just say what feels right" and with that patri left and Aitana was approaching
"Good game" she smiled wrapping her arms round my waist
"You too" i mumbled putting my arms around her neck enjoying the touch
"Can we talk? Like properly" I spoke up glad she couldn't see the blush forming on my face
"Of course, everything okay?" She began rubbing her hand up and down my back comfortingly but also creating goosebumps
"Yeah everything's great" I finally pulled away but immediately missing the contact
"Okay, just let me know when and where and I'll be there" she moved her hand up and brushed a piece of grass from my face gently
"We have time off during the international break next week, how about I fly to Barcelona?" I suggested
"Great, I'll see you then" and with a final quick hug and kiss on the cheek we both left to join our teams.

Part 2?

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