But I was stopped by dad and I turned and walked to him asking what happened. Then he took out his phone and showed me a photo of girl. And she was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen until now. Seriously beautiful where did that come from

i raised my eyebrow thinking that she was some bride mom has been looking for, she has been on my back asking me to marry someone this year and annoyed I said" dad you too, I want to build my career first, then I can think of marriage. I thought you were supporting my idea until now but you too turned out to be like mom" by this time mom came out of the kitchen and by the looks of her I can understand that she had heard the conversation and took the phone from dad and saw the photo. she was really mesmerized looking at her and i know what she will say net" she is the one Arjun, finally your dad too is walking in my paths" she said gleaming.

Just then dad interrupted and said "enough both of you, she is not some bride or anything. Your grandpa wants you to go along with her and get her admission and everything done without any disturbances, and remember don't do anything stupid or else he will be mad at you. He seems to have a liking towards this girl. Seems like she is a sweet soul" he said and the next thing I felt for the girl is disgust. She too must have been one of those spoiled rich brats who assume they can do anything if they have money. Grandpa wants me to see she has no disturbances. We'll see

I was leaving this time for real and stopped and asked dad her name. He said Vaishali. Hmm not bad we'll see Vaishali i smirked in my mind.

Vaishali's pov

Finally with lot of pleading father said he will re consider his decision on my marriage but I don't believe him. He was just saying it he won't be reconsidering it. So I made a deal with vikram asking him to convince father about this marriage and he said he wanted something in return and i know he is going to ask for more money from next time. Yea as if I am a bank

Right now we are inside the ACE University and we were asked to wait in a separate room. Of course I made this arrangement because if mother sees any inconvenience here the next thing I know we will be in the next flight back to Delhi. I always hated doing such things only because we were rich, but here the situation demands. After a 5 minute wait a girl looks like assistant came there to assist father and me to dean's office. I was against the idea of meeting the dean. Seriously what is the need to meet him and introduce me as if I am an object that he is gonna launch in the market.

But I have heard a lot about the dean Anand Sharma. He is such a respected man in this state and his son Anil Sharma owns lot of businesses, I remember he even owns an audit firm also and Raj sir was first reluctant to let me go to this college because they were our competitors. But anyways business is business and life is life both are different right.

"Good morning sir" I greeted him with a small smile.

He reflected the same too. To be frank even at this age this man looks so powerful and this aura coming out of him hits on my face telling me don't mess with me. After that father was the one who did all the talking. He asked about his health and all other stuff which he never asked me. After a long 10 minutes chat about their business. Father suddenly brought up the matter about my marriage, and if my guess is correct he wants me to get married into this family. Who talks about your daughter's personal matters this abruptly, I could sense the shift of emotion in the dean's face he was now looking at me sternly and said to father.

"We too have been looking after a bride for my grandson, and we are glad that we got the best matches for him. He is so lucky that we never compromise for small people. And moreover this is a personal issue so I don't think it should be linked with business. What do you say Vasudev" he said and my jaw dropped. Seriously this man got some sass in him. Though he humiliated father didn't feel an inch of pain for him.

i was now curious how dad would react to this statement he sure felt humiliation. "Yes sir you are right and we too don't compromise for small people" he said. Wait did he support me or those words just rolled out of his tongue.

with this we were about to leave his office but he asked me to stay and father went out without even glancing at Me." so Ms.Verma how is the university, did you like it" he asked, seriously does it matter are you gonna change the buildings if I said no.

"It's perfect sir" I said with a small smile.

"How is Mr.Raj, is he doing well? No need to answer this question I know he must be doing well. And I know that you are working under him. To be honest you are the only student who is doing MBA after doing CA in this college. So make sure you handle both the roles properly. Don't think I would support your favours every time. Letting you study here while working is very risky and this should be between us only. If anyone out there knows this then students will be demanding that they too would do part time jobs which I would not allow. So do you understand" he said in a much stricter tone and I just nodded yes sir.

"Let's be professional now and think that you are not student anymore and iam not your dean. You are CA vaishali and I am your client now" he said and i knew that he wants something from me and here I thought he was a selfless man.

"Okay Mr.Sharma, what do you want from me in return for your favour" I asked him professionally. He raised his eyebrow when I addressed him like that, but he was the one who said iam not your dean now.

"Right into the matter aren't we Ms. Verma, I want you to do the audit of My University for the next 5 years. And I think you know that I can't make my son's firm as my auditor because the law doesn't approve it, if there is any relationship" and with the tone he used there I guess this isn't a choice and I don't have any option rather than accepting it.

"Deal done Mr.sharma and thank you for choosing our firm" I said and he smirked I know why, because I said our firm which includes Raj sir and if my guess is correct these both people have a past which may not be good. sorry Raj sir, he will scold me for accepting this audit.

I got up from my seat and was about to leave when his assistant came and informed that Arjun sir came to meet dean.

Dean asked me to stay for a minute as someone is coming to show me the whole university and all the clerical work will be completed fast. I asked him to do this because my parents can't seem to wait and they are so impatient with such delay.

Then came a man seems to be in his mid-twenties and he was looking hot as hell. He was dressed so neatly without any mistakes in his whole attire. He was around six feet maybe, he is a tall man, and he had around 4 rings on his hands and a nicely built body. And those eyes god they look so pure, his hair falling onto his forehead and jawline sharp enough to cut anything and his lips I feel like touching them not with my hands though, overall he looked beautiful. Seriously beautiful where did that come from

I came out of my dream world when dean introduced me to him and we both did a handshake, but he gave a tight squeeze and introduced himself.

"Arjun Sharma" he said in his husky deep voice looking straight into my eyes with no emotion.

"Vaishali Verma" I said but came out as a whisper.

The dean said in between "Arjun will accompany you Ms. Verma and thank you for accepting my offer" we both also shook hands and I could see the tall man staring at our handshake ignored his stares and left the cabin.

do vote and comment.

Arjun seems to hate vaishali already. what do you think?

anand sharma seems to like vaishali. what do you think?

love you and hugs..✌✌

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