Chapter VII

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The end

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The end

Warning this chapter will contain

sexual harassment, slight gore, suicide, rape (nothing detailed though), and strong language

sexual harassment, slight gore, suicide, rape (nothing detailed though), and strong language

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Prepare yourselves for complete sadness 🤗

now ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ:Hurts like hell


◄◄⠀▐▐⠀►► 0:00/3:54───○ 🔊

(I haven't listened to this song in years)

Shoyo woke up with wide eyes he heard a loud noise downstairs he ran down the stairs to see his parents already there. Shoyo shoved through them his heart stopped. There was a broken window, and blood on the futons Osamu, and Atsumu sleep on. Shoyo screamed and Shizu went to call the police imminently Shoyo pulled his hair about to have a breakdown. Shinbo ran over trying to calm his son, but nothing worked. Shinbo saw Shizu run back into the living room. "Is Shoyo okay?" Shinbo shook his head. "No, it looks like he's having a panic attack." Shizu looked over at Shoyo who was having a hard time breathing, and he was pulling his hair. Shizu ran over pulling Shoyo's hands together and placing them on her lap. "Shoyo, honey I need to calm down." Shizu then looked at her husband. "Go, check if the police are here." Shinbo nodded and went outside. Shizu then paid her attention back to Shoyo. "Honey, take slow deep breaths." Shoyo tried to do so and eventually, he could breathe again. "Ah, thank God you're okay." Shizu hugged the crying ginger. "I-I just don't know w-what to do they're gone." Shizu hugged Shoyo tighter crying to hold in her tears, I mean she lost her best friend's twins she promised not to.


Shizu saw the boys asleep but she heard her phone ring. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and was shocked to see a familiar person calling she answered it and placed the phone to her ear. "Hello, Yui san." The brown hair woman smiled but couldn't be seen by Shizu. "Hello, Shizu kun." Shizu had a sweat drop. "Why did you so suddenly call?" Shizu heard Yui sigh over the phone "I know my boys are over at your house." Shizu felt panic rise. "Uh, I promise I didn't kidnap them they just came over so-" Shizu stopped when she heard a laugh. "HAHA, Chill Shizu kun, I'm not mad at all, it's my fault they're over there." Shizu was now confused she went to the dining room and sat down. "Why do you say that?" Yui sadly couldn't answer that question. "I can't say, but promise me something Shizu kun." the black-haired woman's eyebrows raised. "What is it?" Yui smiled at the ground with tears in her eyes. "Please watch over my twins, someone very, very bad is trying to take them away from me, and I trust you with all my heart, so please." Shizu started crying she wiped her tears away sniffling up her snot. "I promise Yui san." Yui smiled and so did Shizu. "Well, then thank you so much, goodbye, Shizu kun." Shizu bit her lip. "Goodbye." Shizu placed her phone down and looked at the table with teary eyes. "Honey, are you okay?" The black-haired woman jumped and turned to see her worried husband. "Ah, sorry, babe." Shizu went over and hugged her husband. "Sorry to worry you, I just got a call from an old friend." Shinbo nodded and the two went to bed.

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