24. Flying ?!

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"It's dead, along with the rest of me"

"Well, mine isn't"

Silence took over the room, and they stayed like that, just looking at each other.

Naruto was drawn between running away, and taking Sasuke up on his offer. Maybe he could try to get it back, nothing seemed impossible when Sasuke was with him, and even though he was more powerless than ever, he did have a little bit of power. He had the power to make Sasuke leave him alone forever, or to try to get back what was rightfully his. If he didn't get it back though, it would be the end, he just couldn't let Sasuke love him like this, it felt selfish.

He decided, finally, that it would be stupid not to try.

"It was Joseph. He took it to break the spell, I'm afraid they've used it by now..."

Sasuke tensed up at once, and his hands turned into two tightly closed fists. Naruto knew why, they had probably talked just this morning.

"I knew he had something to do with this" he mumbled in between gritted teeth.

"There. Now you know; The spell needs too much chakra, they could never get their hands on so much. I don't think Ito and Tanaka are in on it. Joseph seemed to just want to do a favor for his father. It's helpless"

"No" Sasuke seemed thoughtful "They're actually doing it tonight"

"Exactly my point, tonight is now, and right now, we're here"

"We can just go there! Its still early! We'll just go to the church. It's not even dark-"

Naruto made his way to the small window that was covered by a thick cloth. He yanked it down and stared outside. Pitch dark. 

"We'll never get there in time" Naruto sighed, losing hope once again. 

He kicked a piece of wood on the floor and used it as a bench, sitting down as the big lump of sorrow he was now, and just stared at the floor. 

Sasuke sat down next to him, equally let down, and just grabbed Naruto's hand. 

Naruto would've blushed if he hadn't already wasted all his energy crying. He held his hand back, and softly laid his head on Sasuke's shoulder, not having the willpower to do anything else. 

"If only there was a way for us to get there in time..." He mumbled into the air. 

Betty emerged next to him, and softly nuzzled her head on Naruto's lap. 


"It's ok Betty... it's not your fault"


"Even if you had warned, It wouldn't make a difference. He took my chakra right away, he knew exactly what to do, almost like he had been getting ready for it for a long time."

Suddenly, like she had been struck by lightning, Betty took her head off of them.

"What's wrong betty? Is everything okay?" Sasuke asked, worried. 


"What?! How can we get there?!"

"moooOO MOOooo ✨"

"W h a t "

Her eyes were shinning like none of them had ever seen before, and with the cutest grin on her face, Betty spun around, lightning up Sasuke's and Naruto's faces at once. 

Betty had wings!! She had grown a big fucking pair of fairylike wings. 

"How-" Sasuke got up "Is this what the voyager meant when he talked about special abilities you could come to have in the future??"

"Mo!" she smiled, giving a little happy jump

Naruto cautiously went to them, softly smiling. 

"Does this mean... we can get there on time?" 


He gave her a hug at once, almost crying again, this time of relief and hope.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!"


Sasuke P.o.v

They took flight in no time, and even though the worst things in the world were happening to his loved one, in that moment Sasuke felt ultimately relaxed.

The starry sky put them both in the trance, and Sasuke marvelled at every star while feeling the tight hold Naruto had on his waist from behind him. 

It smelled like pure mountain air, or like the beach at night when there's no one there to interrupt your thoughts.

He felt a soft smile appear on his lips, feeling the wind blow in his face, he felt a new kind of freshness within him. He spun his head around, finding his face dangerously close to Naruto's. 

"Naruto" Ne said over the wind. He was sure he couldn't hear him, but he got the sign he did understand. He felt self conscious for a second and licked his lips, making sure they didn't seem as dry as they felt. 

Trough the soft moonlight glow, he saw Naruto smile softly. He held on to him even more tightly, causing their noses to softly collide. 

"We're gonna make it" Sasuke silently mouthed "I'm going to get your chakra back. I promise." 

Naruto bit his lip, looking away silently, like he wanted to believe him so bad, but just couldn't. 

"Do you trust me?" He asked, but it came off as more of plead. 

He took a deep breath waiting for the answer, and held it until Naruto finally nodded. 

And Sasuke couldn't hold himself back any longer, he leaned in and gave him a short but passionate kiss. He hoped he wasn't feeling Naruto's lips against his for the last time. He hoped it would all be ok. 

He pulled away short of breath, and looked into his eyes. They were more beautiful than all the stars, and the moon, and the view from a flying cow. He preferred looking at Naruto a thousand times, and he was sure he'd feel like this forever. 

"I love you" Sasuke confessed, using only his lips.

Maybe Naruto didn't see, or maybe he just didn't want to say it back. He looked at his tired eyes, and his messy hair blowing, at the high speed they were flying. He understood, Naruto wasn't planning on staying with him if things went south. Maybe it wasn't that at all, maybe Naruto just didn't love him, it was a strong word after all. 

But whatever it was, Sasuke was fine with it. He turned his head again to the front, and focused on looking ahead. He had spoken his heart, and he didn't regret it. He felt relieved to say something he knew he might not get the chance to in the future.

Naruto held on to him tighter, leaving Sasuke very little space to breathe, which was more than ok, oxygen was overrated. He laid his head on Sasuke's back, and curled up on it almost sleepily. 

Whatever it meant, Sasuke knew then that Naruto didn't want him to leave his side, loving him or not. 

And so they flew on. 

Author's Note

Ok so only one more chapter to go!! 

It's almost almost finished, but it's already late so I'll post it tomorrow morning. It's kind of huge so I'll need the time to revise. 

I'm super sad this is coming to an end, I've had so much fun writing this, and I'll certainly miss it...

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