Chapter 6

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That night, I had a date.

And I had the countenance to stop thinking about Xayn.

Or Harry, or Zayn or Mom.

"... so after I got home after the meeting, I couldn't believe it, there it was!" The handsome guy laughed. He surely thought I was paying attention, but I wasn't. I was really good at acting with people. It was one of my strong suits.

I laughed. "Wow, that's funny!"

He smiles, and then stares at me a moment before asking, "You all right, Dalila?"

"I'm fine Junior," I answer.

He smiles, he looks just like his father.

" I said I'm fine Liam!" I playfully answer again.

"We've been on thirty dates you know."

"What?" I ask.

He smiles, his dimples perturbing me.

"We've been on thirty dates, and every time, you seemed so interested in me. What's up?"

I stir my wine with my finger. "Nothing, Payne."

"Well, if it's nothing how did your day go?" Liam asks.

"Eh ... Xayn's back." I answer, looking down at my spaghetti which is getting cold now.

"Oh, baby. I'm so sorry." He responds immediately. Liam understands me more than anybody. It's like he knows everything about me, even the things I don't tell him. We're an item, and he's the extrovert in the relationship. Everyone knows that he's the one people want to talk to, I'm my own manager, and I tell myself to sit there and look as pretty as possible."

"You look gorgeous, Dalila." His voice more soothing than any other.

God, he's charming.

"Thanks, babe," I respond.

The restaurant we were at has beautiful lighting. I had my dad's tan skin and my mom's brown hair. My eyes were gray, and I had my hair done up all nice for Liam tonight.

The bill came although I wasn't done.

"A bottle of that wine please." He asked the waiter. The waiter nodded and Liam took out his wallet.

Briefly, I noticed that every bill was a 100 topped on another in a Louis Vuitton wallet. He laid 2 hundred dollar bills on the table.

"That's a hundred dollar tip!" I exclaimed.

Liam laughed silently.

"Come on! Like you don't ever tip a hot waiter with a 100 dollar bill."

"Junior, your bi is showing." I laughed.

He smiled, "You're the only one I want."

I smile, and it's sincere.

We walk out the door, a bottle of wine in a bag while our arms are intertwined as we walk down the promenade.

"Liam, your amazing," I state. As I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you, babe. But you look better in the morning than I do."

"That's debatable."

I necklace catches my eye in one of the shop windows. I had just received my paycheck and I was looking for something that would compliment my new dress that I was going to wear to the Red Carpet premiere of Avatar 6.

"Hey, can we go into the Jeweler's," I asked.

Liam shrugs,"Anything you want babe."

We walk into a sparkling room, and I ask the clerk how much the necklace costs. "24k gold, diamond encrusted, sapphire spliced, and handcrafted. This necklace goes for 50 grand." She answers.

That's about a months down payment on a new mansion.

"We'll take it." Liam proudly says, "Can you through in a ring with that."

For some reason, I wasn't surprised.

"Liam, baby," I sigh happily, "Are you sure."

"I love you, Dalila. I want to have fat children with you. Attractive, fat children." He answers.

I give him a kiss.

He doesn't do the whole on one new thing, because that would be extremely cheesy, instead. We just put the engagement rings on each other's fingers.

But I swear, as soon as we exit the store.

Xayn is standing right there. Wearing a dark coat and hair that blows furiously in the growing wind.

"Honey, you okay?" He asks.

I snap out of it, "Yeah, babe. Let's just call an Uber, it's getting cold out here." I answer, grabbing Liam's hand.

And we walk away.

But I could feel his eyes.

Burning through me.

Right into my very soul.

Dragging me down with him.

I would like to state that this was more of a filler chapter. I just wanted to update a little today, so I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The original plan was to make this chapter a thousand word long, but now it's poor ably like 800 words so I apologize for that.

I plan on writing in Xayn's POV very soon, and writing letters again. Just remember, I have a whole lot of ground to cover in one Wattpad story. So check your updates Daily for more Dear Dalila adaptive, and have a great life!

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