Chapter 5

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Of all the things in the world, this was it.

This was his death certificate.

For a split moment, I called BS and decided to let it go. But on the bottom, there was a handwritten note.

"Here's the certificate you paid for, I also have Zayn's certificate if you need that too. Oh, and if you need a copy of Shawn paternity test coming back "positive" I can get that to you too. Best wishes, Lux"

Xayn was smiling, he looked happy.

"You know what this means," Xayn asks.

"If Shawn isn't your dad, then who is?" I asked.

He chimed in, "I asked that same question. So I went over to the hospital where I was born, and they don't have a damn record of me anywhere. It's like I never even existed."

My eyes slit, "Why are you happy about this?"

Xayn grins. For some reason unknown to me, I can tell it isn't a brotherly smile.

"I checked the adoption agency. Guess what, names Everette Peters, I was born in England."

I smile, "I knew you couldn't be my brother."

Xayn smiles again and gives a laugh of breath.

I close off of the file and save it to my computer.

I take the USB and throw it against the wall.

"The duck are you doing!" He yelled.

"Don't worry I've got a copy on my computer," I assure him.

After he relaxes, he takes a seat at in the chair I have for my clients.

"So what do you want me to do, Mr. Peters?" I ask, my face is serious.

"I need you to update my schedule around a clockwork-like pace. Shoots, lunch, dates, party, sleep." He answers.

He looks serious. I almost laugh, but I have to do my job.

"Fine, so your first shoot is tomorrow, 12 to 2, and then lunch is two o'clock. And your date is... "

My heart stops.


"Oh don't act like you don't like this and now that I'm here. Come on."

He rolls the chair over to me, and I get up.

"Xayn, you don't know what you're doing... this isn't right," I whisper yell.

But my heart is beating even faster than before.

Xayn gets closer, and I find it hard to move.

I try to look away.

"We're not breaking any rules, Dalila. We're only having fun." He whispers.

I can feel his breath on my neck.




The door opens.

"Hey, Ms. Styles, have a problem. North West is on the phone again and she wants to know if CoverGirl was still signing with her." Aubree asks.

Xayn asks like nothing happened. He just smiles at me.

"Yeah, tell her her deal is still open."

Aubree smiles and closes the door.

Xayn back to where he was, "Now where were we?"

"Get out," I state.



Xayn looks angry, but he gets up and walks towards the door. Leaving a trail of sweet cologne behind him.

"I see the damsel is in distress." He states before opening the door. "Just remember, I'm the only knight in shining armor, you've got."

Then he opens the door and slips away.

And I still can't breathe.

Dear Dalia (H.S Adaptive)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant