Chapter 4

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The scene today at the office was absolutely horrifying. There were 20-year-olds everywhere. It was roaring loud and a few celebrities were arguing about something I swear paper airplanes were being thrown and caught everywhere I went.

"What's going on, Keith?!" I ask one of my agents. Keith is probably 19, but he drinks so I don't exactly know if that's his age or he just has a whole lot of connections.

"It's Cleanout Day. We have to burn anything that can be used against us in the court of law." He takes a stack of papers to a bin and lights a match. He grabs a bottle of water and waits.

"Keith, we're not doing anything illegal! I'm in charge of this company and who decided this?" I yell.

Keith laughs, then, after he decides that the paper has burned enough, he takes the bottle of water and dumps it into the bin, with a sizzle, the flames die out. "Hollywood lawyers are crazy. All that Botox they inject into their bodies gives them some type of superpower, Dalila! Doesn't matter if you're illegal or Nah."

I decided that this isn't going to kill my business and get on with my life. I grab a cup of coffee from the lounge room, which seems quiet enough and make my way towards my office. My assistant, Aubree, waits by my desk. Typing something into her laptop.

She seemed so calm I almost thought she was asleep.

"Okay, Aubree, new rule. You cannot have all your crap together around me. It's not nice. The second rule, you cannot look that gorgeous around her, I'm not that attractive and you make me feel insignificant compared to you." I complain.

"You were nominated for the sexiest woman alive last year, Ms. Styles. " She reminds me.

"That was only because Taylor Lautner didn't have a date to Coachella." I remind her.

She laughs, then gets up. Right as I sat down and logged onto my computer.

"You're new client comes in about 2 hours. I've you set up for a dinner with him tonight." She informs me.

"Where exactly?" I ask her.

"Your mom's restaurant. Don't worry she won't be there tonight, she's got a plane to catch to Colorado to see her parents. Then she's off to London for Harry's memorial. Then she's going to Vegas to drink off Harry's memorial. Then she's going to her estate meeting in New York after her hangover." Aubree vividly informs me.

"Oh, I forgot about Harry's memorial."

3 years.

Aubree gives me a weak smile. Then she flips her hair and leaves.

An iMessage pops up on my screen.

We're are you, honey? I thought you were coming to say goodbye.

I silently curse, then I begin typing:
Can't I have a client with big bucks, he needs me to manage his shoots for the next few months.

How much?

900 grand.

$$$$$$$$$ okay well I love you see you in two weeks.

Call me when you land or else I'm calling the cops.

Lol. Like you know where I am honey. I took out my tracker chip. And that stupid house arrest bracelet I had a few months ago served as a cool locator after I figured out how to recode the GPS system.

Sorry mom, don't speak nerd. Love ya gtg.


She signs off and then I sit quietly in my room for the next few hours while I hear screaming outside my office. I decide not to mind it because if the cops come I won't be a witness to the murder.

Soon Aubree comes in and behind her a tall figure.

"Ms. Styles, I'd like you to meet Mr. Xayn Mendes." Aubree presents.

I swear I didn't breath for the first few minutes.

Aubree waits happily for me to greet him.

" Aubree, could you excuse us a moment," I ask.

Aubree nods and slide out of the door.

"Hey, Dalila."

"Goddammit Xayn, the hell are you doing here!?" I whisper yell.

He smiles happily.

(Good time to play "you know you like it by D.J Snake")

"I've got lots of dirt on your dads."

I suppress a smile.


He pulls a USB out his coat pocket.

I get up and attempt to grab it, but he grabs my hand.

"The hell are you doing, X?" I let it slip.

I haven't called him X since he was a little kid.

Shit, I'm toast.

"You called me X. Holy crap!" He yells victoriously.

"Keep your fucking voice down!" I whisper-yell again.

He lets the usb go, and I plug it into the computer.

"Mother of pearl."

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