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Evara POV

Some times its better to let go of thing than holding it on. It hurts but its fine it wont hurt as much as holding on. Well, coming to the point I am Evara, 16 years old still dont know what to do with my life. Well, I do not have a tragic past and life is not that bad, dont actually know who is my father, my mother once told me that she have 9 children dont know why she divorced my father and left home with me when I was 2 years old (not that I have any memories of it). She didnt bother saying the reason may be she believe that I dont needed to know or maybe she think that I wont understand oh wait I do have an younger brother who is 1 year old technically we have same father as she think she shouldnt have baby of another man and my step father is infertile so she contacted her ex husband, my father and had a baby. It was a mutual decision I think because Andrew need his on son and I feel they are comfortable and so I am living with my mother Isabella and stepfather Andrew. Honestly I feel the only person in this house I am comfortable with is Evan my little brother. He is a sweet little angel but I am not that close with him I think Andrew have a hard time accepting me because I look like my father at least that is what my mother say and she to is not really comfortable maybe she loved my father and I seem to have same eye as him and it some how make her uncomfortable it could be the reason as she have verbalized that she was glad that Evan inherited more of her features that his. Our relationship is not something that I would call great but they do respect me and provide me with what I want. No time to talk its already 7 am I have to leave for school I am currently studying in 10th grade almost finished actually.

Evara come down its already 7 what are you doing(oh shit) coming Andrew I yelled back. I walked downstairs a beautiful seen welcome me was a baby in his mothers hand and a man cooking in kitchen with a smile while observing them everything come still when I entered there. Ouch! Haa when will I get use to it. The atmosphere change really fast, I feel guilty for being there. come sit and eat said my mom, sometime I cant understand what exactly she want. No its fine I am already late I have packed lunch for you take it with you thanks Andrew he is a kind man but I dont really know what to do. I took my lunch and an apple and run out of the house. I reached school in 20 min it only takes about 5 mint if I took a public transport but I enjoy a little bit of me time listening to some music and walking into the school.

Eva come here.. I saw my friends sitting together in the class room I went to them. what up guys. A little Indro to my friends, Maira a short beautiful girl kind and pretty open she says what she wants to say, Lena she is the hopeless romantic person who is also pretty open and almost dont like half of the class and ignore all others, then we have Liya who is smart and I dont take crap kind of personality. Then we have my best friend Oliver he is someone I can take to for hours and joke around. We do stupid stuff and laugh for stupid stuff.

we are fine, you ok looks a little dull, nah I am fine just the same old me and my mood I said to Liya. Just as I said that my teacher was there children take your place she yelled. I moved to my place. Okk now Evara dont think to much listen to the class its just a normal day, I can move out when I am 18 and dont need to worry about anything I will be fine and its already time to get used to it.

Wow its already lunch break. I went to my friends. Maira was like girl we are planning to go out Saturday are coming, nah I will pass, I have defense class on the was a class my mother forced me to get in after I was kidnapped when I was 5 years and she made sure I was going regularly she dont know what happened there I was missing for almost a year, well I am glad she dont know because it wont be good for me, last thing that I want I s pity from them, Ok fine then next time no escape ok. They then start to make some plans I was busy in my world, sometime sitting with everyone still feeling empty and lonely is normal for me. Back to class. Its already evening. Well back to home I guess.

As soon as I entered the house I saw Mrs. Andrea, Andrews sister she doesnt like me that much but not enough to show hostility. Well I should have spend some time in the park now I feel. Again the house feel silent all the flower and bloom stopped as I entered there. Would you like to drink some tea asked my mother, no I am fine, can I be excused I am feeling a little tired as soon as I said that I felt a little hand hold on to my pant and looking up smiling. He was dragging me towards the table, its seems Evan want you to stay Eva, why dont you drink some tea with us. I said ok as I took the little guy into my arms this is what probably 5th time I am holding him. I looked at Mrs. Andrea she was watching me. Should I smile or look back I dont know what to do well I will just ignore like always probably. So, what are you planning what ever it is I think you should just stay away from my brother after all that mans blood run through your blood vessels right. She said, wow now what was that for does she hate hm or something well fuck it I dont know anyway. I will do what ever I can and I have not decided yet I want to go back into my room mom was back. I am going in I said to my mother and left Evan in Andreas hand. I went into the room and took a bath, finished my home work. Well I think I should try o sleep I entered the bed and welcomed sleep.

I saw a young girl around 5 sitting inside a cell her legs bind to the chain that comes from the wall. With the smell of urine as she was so scared and peed on her self it seems. She had tears in her eyes. She saw a man in his late 20s comes inside his eyes was full of resentment and hatred. The little girl was so tired after crying and just look at the man blankly, she begged him to take her home. He approached her and drag her to the center of the room nad tied her to the bar. Then took the belt from his pants and started to hit her with it the girl screamed no and sorry so loudly and I woke up.

I looked at the time its already 3 am I dont want to sleep anymore. Thank god I was not a screamer and easily gets adapted. I think I will read something till morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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