Our Life's Quest

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It is without question

That I love you.

It is not about you and me.

It's only us two.

We don't have much.

A small house and a car

Some old furniture.

But you are my shining star.

Without you,

I am at best incomplete.

With you,

Life is so sweet.

Been forty years

Since that first day.

Seems like only yesterday

When you threw that bouquet.

Our kids are now grown.

Have kids of their own.

Each one of them

Have their own little home.

I am not sure

Why I'm so blessed.

Why God introduced me

To one of his best.

But I am truly grateful

Will always do my best.

To be worthy enough

To share our life's quest.

A Collection of Some of My Favorite Poems, Volume 7, Written by Dan TurnerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt