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Don't shine me on.

Don't pull my chain.

Don't try and manipulate me

For your own political gain.

I am sick and weary

Of conniving politicians.

With their beguiling charm

And insidious ambitions.

What happened

To our trusted public official

Who was honest and conscientious?

For the nation - beneficial.

Where are the Lincolns,

Jeffersons, Roosevelts and Trumans

Those hardworking souls

Who were first - respectable humans.

Instead of the political shysters

And patronizing voices.

I am tired of elections

Where there are no good choices.

To be fair, there are a few politicians

That seem pretty smart.

At least those that appear to have

The good of our nation at heart.

A Collection of Some of My Favorite Poems, Volume 7, Written by Dan TurnerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant