
The three ran outside towards the helicarriers.
" Hey Cap, how do we know the good guys from the bad guys?" Sam asked.
" If there shooting at you there bad." Steve told him.
They ran off towards the edge of the roof, and Sam grabbed Kai's hands and they started flying off. Kai attached her grapple hook to the belt of her suit.
" Alright see you on the other side." Kai told him.
" Are you sure you wanna do this?" Sam asked.

" Yeah for sure. The worst that can happen is I die." Kai told him.
He gave her a concerned look but still tossed her towards the helicarrier with all his might. Kai threw the other half of the grappling hook towards the helicarrier. It latched on and she swung towards landing on the top.
" Hey Cap I found those bad guys you were talking about." Sam told him.
" Are you okay?" Steve asked.
" I'm not dead yet." Sam answered.

" Status?" Maria asked.
" Getting it done just need to take care of a few obstacles first. Don't mind all the screaming from my end of the comms. I assure you its not me." Kai told them pulling out her guns from her side holsters.

Men started at her and she shot all of them having to dodge a few bullets herself every-now and then. Once all the men on the top were taking care of Kai saw a jet approaching her. She pulled out a stick looking weapon from her boot. She pressed the on button and it heated up quickly. Kai lent down and begin creating a hole in the helicarrier while keeping an eye on the jet getting closer and closer.

" Fuck-shit-shit, shit come on fuck-you little fucking shit-Ah aha! I love you." Kai said and she turned off the device.
She stood up just as the jet got close enough to start shooting at her. She jumped straight down into the hole as the jet shot at her.
" Oh fuck-" Kai said as she started falling a little more than expected.

She braced herself as she finally hit the ground.
" Ow. Good thing I'm a badass." Kai said rolling on to her back.
She pushed herself up and walked over to a glass cylinder where she had to replace the disk. She typed in the code and a little door opened. She took out her disk from her pouch and took the other disk out of the holder and replaced it with hers.

" I got mine." Kai said over coms.
" Great now get out of there before Cap and Falcon get theirs." Maria told her.
" On it." Kai said back as she started running towards and exit door.
She looked around for a parachute or something but nothing. Then she saw the whole made in the roof. Kai grabbed out her grappling hook and walked back towards it.

She swung it before throwing it up. It latched on and she started to climb. Once she made it to the top and grab her grappling hook and saw a jet with no one in it. Kai ran towards it and got in. She powered it up and took the controls in her hands.

Of course she had flown a jet before but never without a co-pilot. Guess this would be a new experience for her. Kai took a deep breath and started lifting off the ground. She took off and at the perfect time because she saw Sam falling off a helicarrier with only one wing.

Kai took off after him opening the top from him to fall into. Which he did breaking off the other wing on the way. He looked around confused for a minute.
" You okay?" Kai asked.
" I'm good. So you can fly one of these things?" Sam asked.
" Who knows, say I'm doing a pretty good job so far." Kai shrugged.

" Steve the suits broken. Do you need me to get up there?" Sam asked.
" No I've got it." Steve said.
" Kai, Falcon. Rumlows on his way to the council." Maria told them.
" Over my dead body. Heading there now." Kai said redirecting the jet towards the building.

They reached they building and Kai shot out the glass to the windows of one of the levels below the floor the council was on.
" You okay in combat while I land on the roof?" Kai asked.
" Yeah, yeah I got this." Sam nodded before climbing out of the opening in the roof and making his way into the building.
Once he was good Kai took off.

She flew up to the roof and landed the jet. Kai immediately got out and started running down the stairs towards where Nat and Fury were. Once she opened the door she saw Nat on ground unconscious, and Fury shooting Pierce. She rushed to Nat and knelt besides her.
" Nat-Natty come on." Kai shook her.
Nat woke up with a look of discomfort.
" Ow. Those really do sting." Nat said.
Kai sighed in relief.
" You alright Red?" Kai asked.
" Peachy." Nat nodded.

" Meet at the roof at the chopper." Maria said over coms.
" I have a jet it's faster." Kai said helping Nat up.
They made their way to the roof where Maria met them a few seconds later. They loaded up, Kai as pilot and they took off.
" Sam? Where you at buddy?" Kai asked.
" 41st floor." Sam told them.
" Okay stay put where coming for you." Kai told him.
" Not an option." Sam told her.

Kai took off faster and saw Sam jumping out of the window as it got destroyed. Nat opened the door and Kai turned the jet side ways. He fell in and they closed the jet door.
" 41st floor!" Sam said.
" It's not like the building as the floor numbers on the outside." Fury came to her defensive.
" Where's Rogers?" Kai asked taking off again.
" Still in the helicarrier." Maria told her.

" Should we go after him?" Kai asked.
" No." Nat said.
" No?" Kai asked.
" Rogers is a tough guy he'll be fine. We have to get out of here." Nat told her.
Kai hesitated for a moment but ultimately realized that there was nothing they could do so she flew off towards safety.

Authors Note: So something terrible happened yesterday. And yep you guessed it, Roe v. Wade was overturned. If you don't live in America I've never been more jealous than I am right now. I am so angry though, I am fucking enraged. To all my girls reading this please stay safe. There's a very large age range of people reading my story so if you end up in a position where you get pregnant and can't raise the child, do your research on states that haven't made abortion illegal, make sure you tell someone you trust where your going to be-that one kinda applies for everyone right now. Please everyone stay safe and let's stick together because right now we're the only ones that care about each other. I love you all and my profile is always open <3333

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