Ninteen- JoJo Siwa

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Parker pov:
Today we're filming another Luxury Dark video.  We've been staying home more after that weird encounter with the thing at Eliza's window.

Chester refuses to talk about it, I think because he doesn't like want to admit that he's scared.  I don't push him, it's not like there's much to talk about. 

I sit down with Chester in front of the camera, though we're not focused on it.  Chester sits on my lap kissing me. My arms are wrapped around his back, pressing his body close to mine. Thank God Eliza is at school.

Eventually we do begin filming a video.


Parker: Welcome back to another episode of Luxury Dark. Chester recently found a website on the Dark Web that lets you buy a dog. Now we've done this in the past, but what we got wasn't a dog at all. This time we hope it will be.

*Parker and Chester sit down at table*

Parker: Okay let's check this site out.

Chester: I can't wait for a new dog!

Parker: Chill out bro.

Chester: Look at that one! It's name is Crumb.

Parker: Crumb?

*Parker clicks on a picture of a black dog with sharp teeth and a cut in its ear*

Parker: This dog looks creepy.

Chester: No, it's cute!

Eliza: Is that a werewolf?

Chester Pov:
I jump so far out of my seat that I land on Parker who instantly wraps his arms around me.

"Jesus Christ, when did you get home?" I breathe heavily.

"Just now," Eliza shrugs, "I assumed you guys forgot about me when I didn't see the car, so some senior gave me a ride."

Whoops. I guess Parker and I got carried away. I look at the time and see that it is in fact 3:40, school let out 20 minutes ago.

"Sorry, Eliza. We were filming and lost track of time." Parker apologizes.

"It's fine. Can I be in the video?" She replies.

A smile threatens to break through on Parker's lips, "Sure, just get changed first."

Eliza puts her bag down and bounds up the stairs to change clothes.

She returns moments later and we resume filming.


Parker: You wanna buy Crumb?

Chester: Yes! I can't wait for my new puppy!

Parker: Yeah well, you're the one who's gonna be taking care of it.

*they buy the dog*

*two days later*

Parker: the dog is supposed to arrive tonight at 4:00 am.

Chester: I'm so excited!

Eliza: God, he's like a kid in a candy store.

*insert Jojo Siwa song*

Parker: Sometimes you just have to accept the things this kid does.

Eliza: this is not one of those times, I'm going to sleep.

*4:00 am*

*something scratches on the door*

Chester: Parker! I think the dog is here!

Parker: Go open the door.

*Chester opens the door to a big dog with sharp teeth, claws, and a cut on its ear*

Chester: Holy ****

Parker: Well there's your dog.

Chester: Bro that thing is scary.

*The dog barks loudly, waking Eliza*

Eliza: Jacob Black? Is that you?

Parker: Twilight jokes do not belong on this channel.

Chester: What do we do?

Eliza: It's your dog, you do something about it.

Chester: uhmmm, okay Crumb, go back outside.

*Crumb barks again as foam leaves its mouth*

Parker: that is disgusting.

Eliza: more like feral.

*Dog lunges for Chester*

Chester: **** **** HELP!!!!

*Parker runs to get Crumb off of Chester*

*Dog lets go of Chester and ransacks the house*

*Jumps out of a window, breaking it*

Eliza: Do we call animal control?

Parker: No, we go to sleep.

Eliza Pov
Parker and Chester grin at the new footage as the head off to edit it. I look out the broken window, feeling a light gust of air hit my face.

Just as I turn to head upstairs, I feel eyes on my back.

A/n: oh my gosh am Wow, there's a first.

All because he was scared Where stories live. Discover now