Thirteen- idea

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Eliza pov:
Barnes and nobles, the best place ever.  Well, I'm discovering that just now but still, the point stands.  Parker and Chester took me here while they filmed a video.

"You think people will find it weird that we dropped a child off at a book store?" Chester asks quietly, thinking I don't pick up on it.

"With the speed she reads at people will probably assume she's just browsing." Parker jokes.

I shake my head, these two are an interesting pairing.

"Can't I just be in a video?" I ask, not facing them.

They both kinda stop walking, then resume.

"Is that a good idea?  They're scary videos, Eliza." Parker says.

"But they're not real.  Being abducted was, and besides, I'm doing better." I counter.

Parker pov:
I don't know why it surprises me that she's aware that she's doing better.  Hell, it's weird enough to hear her talk about her kidnapped so nonchalantly.  She can't be over it, so what is she doing?

I look to Chester for answers, as if he can read my mind.  Honestly he probably can, we work so well together.

"I Know just as much as you do, we're living with the next Einstein." He says.

Eliza finally looks over her shoulder, "don't say that."

Jesus Christ those dark eyes scare me.  Why did that piss her off?

Eliza sighs, "sorry, but that was the goal. My kidnapper wanted me to be impossibly smart."

Chester pinches my arm, "I have an idea!!!!"

A/n: I knkw this is short af. But I'm watching family guy and I have no ideas. Pls send help

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