Six- she's scared

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Parker pov:

I pan my camera at the door as Chester opens it. I carefully zoom in on his ass for fun, then move back to the open door.

Standing outside is the maid, normal enough. Her black, wavy hair hangs down to her hips. She wears a black dress with an apron and tall boots.

But the most notable feature is her face. Her skin is pale and her eyes are dark. She looks worried. I put the camera in one hand.

"Uh hi," I say stupidly, "so you're the maid?"

Chester looks at me, slightly nervous.  I walk over to him, ignoring that we're filming and put my hand in his.

The maid doesn't say anything, nor does she do anything.

"What's wrong with her?" Chester whispers to me.

"I think she's scared." I whisper back.

Chester pov:

I think I've noticed something that Parker hasn't.  This maid isn't very old.  Maybe 14 at the youngest.  The Website at her listed as being nameless and 18.  She also doesn't seem like an actor.

I do agree with Parker on her being scared.  Most actors would be eager to walk in, but she doesn't seem that way.

"You can come in." I say to her.

Parker gives me a pained look, like he doesn't want her inside.  I squeeze his hand.

The maid carefully walks in, but when her feet hit the floor, I notice dirt prints on the floor.

The girl Looks out the door, then turns back to us.  She doesn't move any closer to us, I'm starting to get offset.

Parker pov:

Chester grabs my arm and snuggles closer to me, "is she okay?" He asks me.

"I don't know, baby." I answer.

The Girl meets my eyes.  Her dark irises show fear.  I move behind her and close the door.  Then she launches into a frenzy.

"Please help me!  He won't let me go!" She cries.

Chester perks up, all nervousness gone, "who won't?" He asks.

"I-I don't know who he is," the girl looks like she's on the brink of tears, "h-he took me when I was a kid!"

I look at Chester, "Um, let us talk in private for a sec."

"What?" The girl's face flushes, she looks horrified at the idea of us leaving her.

I take Chester's hand and lead him to the kitchen.

I stop and he immediately kisses me.  I squeeze his hand.

Chester pov:

I break away from Parker, "do you believe her?" I ask.

He looks back at her, "I...I kinda do.  But what do you think, baby?"

"I think she's telling the truth.  She looks so scared, what do we do?" I reply.

He thinks for a moment, "should we let her stay with us?" He smirks, "like a daughter?"

I wince playfully, "I'm not ready to be dad." I tease.

He kisses my forehead and walks down the hall to talk to the girl again.

A/n: aha so, I've had this oc for a while so I decided to throw her into this story. I hope y'all still like it 😅😭

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