Eleven- video

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Eliza pov:
My shoes gently tap on the car floor as Parker and Chester drive me to school.  A private school for gifted students.  I had never thought of myself as a gifted person but they disagree.  So did the entrance exam, passed that with an 100%.

I tug at my black sweater nervously.  Parker had told me that he was worried school would scare me.  He assigned me a counselor at the school to help me talk about my trauma.  But that scares me.

Parker and Chester aren't my real guardians, not by law or anything.  I just live with them.  I can't talk about being kidnapped and held away for 13 years. I was one when he took me, it fucked me up. And I can't explain that. So I have to lie.

But what can I say?

Chester pov:

Eliza is quiet on the drive to school. Parker and I are shooting a video today at a location that is about 30 minutes away from her school. Convenient enough.

She isn't quiet out of fear though, she's focused. Gears turning in her head. I wish I knew what she thought about all the time. I imagine it's like a hell house in that mind of hers.

"Do you want us to walk you in?" Parker asks as we pull up in the school parking lot.

Eliza grabs her bag, black hair spilling over her shoulder, "no. I'm fine."

Parker stops the car and she slips out. She doesn't look back as she walks to the door. Her stride is so different from when we first met her. She walks with purpose and intention. Eliza knows what she's doing, she knows what she wants. Now I'm very curious as to what she's thinking all the time.

Parker Pov:

Chester watches Eliza walk into school intently. Then he looks back to me.

"How does she do that? A few months ago she couldn't go a day without crying and having a nightmare. Now she walks and talks like she owns everything." He says with astonishment.

I shrug, "I don't know. I don't know enough about mental health to even make a guess. She just...works at her own pace."

Video filming

Chester pov:
I pan the camera at Parker (actually I take an ass shot but he doesn't know that). He knocks on the door and the actress playing Flora opens it.

"Hi, Parker." Parker says.

Flora tightens her grip on the door, "h-hi."

Parker looks at me with a confused glance (good acting babe), "can we come in?" He asks.

Flora pulls the door open and we walk in. We had decorated the house with plastic over the furniture and wall hangings to give off a vibe that she just moved in.

Here's a rundown of the story

Flora moved into a house she was supposed to share with two other roommates. But when she arrived, neither roommate was there and instead it was a man named Frank.

The best part of this story is that Eliza came up with it.

A few days earlier
3rd person pov:

Eliza sat on the couch with Parker's cat curled next to her feet. She was playing some game on the Nintendo switch when Parker walked into the room looking discouraged. Chester was out at the time so he wasn't there to comfort Parker's upset mood.

"What's wrong?" Eliza asked.

Parker was surprised to hear her say something, and she caught on almost too fast, "what? Never heard me talk before?"

He flushed, "no it's just always kind of a surprise! You're not very talkative so I'm never expecting you to say something."

She shrugged, "are you stressed because you don't have a video idea?"

Parker could definitely tell now that Eliza had some sort of intuition, that had to be why she was so aware and so smart.

"Yeah," he admitted.

Eliza looked up at the ceiling for a moment before offering the exact video idea Parker and Chester decided to use.

Parker looked at her shocked as the idea was brilliant, "thank you, Eliza!" He said dashing off to type up the Script

Present time

Parker pov:

Chester and I stand in our prop bedroom that we're using for this video, hands clasped together. I point my camera at him as he says, "bro, I really don't like her roommate."

I chuckle and set the camera down. I bring Chester close to me and drop my hands around his lower back, "I feel so friend-zoned when you call me that."

I lean in to kiss him. "Sorry, babe." He replies.

We told Flora beforehand that we were dating but it's not mentioned on our channel. She didn't really care much but I guess that's fair for a girl who's only doing this for bank. Maybe Eliza would like to be in a video. No. It might scare her.

A knock comes at the door and Chester pulls away from me. I don't let him out of my arms though. Flora swings open the door.

"Hey, one of your phones is ringing." She says and tosses a phone in my direction.

My heart drops.

Heyyyyyyyyyy. You all can probably guess who's calling but I won't say. Anyways, thank you for the support on this story, I love you all!

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