Chapter 51: Love Is Love

Start from the beginning

Justin Foley: Hannah?

Hannah Baker: Hey, Justin.

Justin Foley: I thought you had a session with Dr. Ellman?

Hannah Baker: I did. I ended it early.

Justin Foley: So you can came here?

Hannah Baker: You're here as well.

Justin Foley: Yeah. Charlie texted me. Jess ditched him for Diego.

Hannah Baker: Diego? Is he serious?

Justin Foley: That's what he texted me. So, I'm here for Jessica. But why are you here?

Hannah Baker: Has Clay ever talked to you about me recently?

Justin Foley: Uh, no. Not really.

Hannah Baker: Can I ask you something, and be honest?

Justin Foley: Yeah, anything.

Hannah Baker: Do you think Clay loved me, or he thought he was in love with me?

Justin just gives me a confused look.

Justin Foley: Where is this coming from?

Hannah Baker: Dr. Ellman asked me that in our session. I think Clay said something about me in his session with Dr. Ellman.

Justin Foley: And you think that Clay still loves you?

Hannah Baker: Do you still love Jessica?

Justin doesn't say anything at first.

Justin Foley: (Exhales) Yes. Do you still love Clay?

Hannah Baker: Yes, I do.

Justin Foley: Even though he's with Ani now?

Hannah Baker: Yeah, I do.

Justin Foley: Then let's go in then.

Hannah Baker: Alright.

We both pay the fee and enter the gym. Wow, the gym looked amazing. We both begin to look around together hoping to find Clay & Jessica. Only for us to find a drunken Zach falling to the floor with girl as they just laugh it off. We go up to them to help them up.

Justin Foley: Hey, guys. I'm gonna grab you now, OK?

Justin helps the girl back up. The girl then begins making her way to the dance floor, and she's drunk too.

Hannah Baker: Are you good?

Girl: I'm OK. Come on!

Zach Dempsey: Ok, Coming!

Justin Foley: Dude, maybe you should sit this one out.

Zach Dempsey: What? What the fuck you talking about?

Zach takes out a bottle of what looks like whisky and takes a zip.

Hannah Baker: Zach, seriously, there are, like, 2 chaperones with their eyes on you right now.

Zach Dempsey: So what? Are they gonna bust me for having fun?

Justin Foley: Hey!

Justin tries to stop Zach.

Zach Dempsey: Don't fucking... Don't fucking touch me.

Justin Foley: Zach...

Zach Dempsey: You know, I think you should take care of your own shit. Your boy Clay is going a little crazy. Your girl's making out with Diego.

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