The 11th and 4th Symphony

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This is a story about a horned raven, a human, and the void that witnessed it all.

Once upon a time a while ago there was a great world called Iliad. It was a peaceful and calm world, ruled by the dark void and her stars. In this world lived a single raven, lonely, and sad. It was alone, with no one to keep it company. The void took pity on the horned raven, and gave her what she wanted most, a friend, a human. The horned raven was delighted, so very happy to see another creature in witch she could share this wonderful universe with. The horned raven's world that was dark, lit up from the darkness that it was originally was for her. The horned raven rushed to see the newly arrived human, going as fast as its slick wings could carry her, gliding on the paper thin wind. The horned raven landed near the human, examining it from a small distance. The human looked amazed at the creature. The horned raven got closer, landing into the open hands of the human and the raven fell in love instantly. She looked at the human, staring into her deep grass green and ocean blue eyes. The human pet the ravens head, tracing around its tan horns. "The void says I'm to be called Elizabeth." The human to the raven, giving a bow. "I'm Animal." The raven replied. "Animal? What a strange title." The human said to the raven. "Indeed." The raven replied, spreading out her wings watching as the human admired them intently. The horned raven did the same to the human, looking at her long golden hair and for it instead of her black feathers.
"Your eyes are beautiful." The human said to the raven, seeming to mean no harm, seeming. "Thank you," The raven said. "It was a pleasure, but I must go. May I see you tomorrow Elizabeth? " The horned raven inquired, looking at the human with a tilted head. "Yes of course. I bid you a good night." The human replied happily, starting to walk away from the raven, waving goodbye. Little known to the raven, the human was not all that she seemed, and was hiding behind a mask of gentle beauty. The raven flied back to its home in a old, tall birch tree. In months and years to come the raven and human explored the huge world, discovering amazing wonders, that where only revealed to the raven when the horned raven was with the human. They became best friends, and though the raven had to hide her feelings, she was happy. One day, while gazing at the purple comets gliding across the sky like a stone across a lake, they shared a moment. A single moment, when they both looked at each other, knowing what the other was thinking. That night the raven looked at the void above. And in a whisper, wished to be human, so that they could be together forever. Later that night, when the horned raven was home the void answered her in a strict and yet gentle voice "Are you sure you want this? There is no promise the human will even recognise you." The void warned. The raven faced the void in the sky. "I've never been so sure about something I'm my life. I would give up my life for her." The raven said having confidence in her words. So the void granted her wish, turning the horned raven into a human. The now human raven climbed down her birch tree, looking at her reflection in a pool of clear blue water. She had no horns nor wings anymore, slick black curled hair, tan skin, and her beautiful eyes that would make the bright sun, and the shining moon envious. The now human raven teared up and thanked the void. "Be safe my child, not everyone is who they seem." The void said, being cautious. The raven shook off her words of concern, to filled with joy to care about the bad things in life. And she was off. Skipping and dancing to the night's silent beat towards her love. "Oh dearest Elizabeth!" the no longer raven exclaimed. "Elizabeth my love, come and relish this greatest occasion!". Elizabeth woke from her slumber, and like a mouse, scurried across the grass towards this beacon of sound. The human went to the other, emotion sparking the dark flint that littered her heart. Animal turned to the startled Elizabeth, happiness lighting up her face in the silver moonlight. "Elizabeth my dear, I have given up my wings for you, my moonlight feathers and the horns on my head. So that we can be together.". "No." Elizabeth proclaimed, disgusted and ashamed. The silence of the night seemed to grow, and the stars seemed to dull with this newly spoken word. A word unbeknownst and lined with deviance. "Who are you to claim to know this face and this name? I love no being." Elizabeth scowled, her eyes cold and the blue seas turning to raving tides, sucking in everything around them. "What are you speaking of Elizabeth, it is I, Animal. Elizabeth can't you see? Look into my eyes Elizabeth." Animal pleaded, her heart sinking into the bottom of the endless seas of the humans eyes. "Animal, you gave up your wings? Your horns? And for what? I? Someone you claim to love?" Elizabeth said, bombarding her with questions of pity and distrust. "You disgust me Animal. I would never love someone so deformed as yourself. Your eyes are something to be buried and locked away, set aflame and ashes scattered." Elizabeth said, a sharp rock firm in hand. Animal wept, covering her beautiful eyes, ashamed. " you Elizabeth." The raven sobbed, in but a whisper. Elizabeth neared the broken raven, rock still hidden in her ashen palm. "I know.".
And Elizabeth killed the raven.

"Awe that's how it ends?" Ridge pouted, crossing his tiny arms. "That's a terrible ending." He proclaimed, sitting up against the backboard of his bed. "Not every story has a happy ending Ridge." The girl said, grabbing her journal and holding it close. "But that was just cruel!" He said, throwing up his arms in defiance. "Why did Elizabeth kill the raven? And why didn't the void help her? It doesn't make sense" He said, calming down. "Ridge. Its just a story." She said, her eyes looking glazed for just moment before she snapped back into her normal posture. "Now get your ass to sleep. We have things to do tomorrow and you will need to be up early." She said with her normal drunken grin. Ridge sunk into his pillow and muttered curses. Turning away from her and shutting his eyes. "Goodnight to you too Ridge." She said, blowing out a candle and shutting a heavy wooden door.

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