If life gives you lemons, throw them back at life and demand candy

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Once upon a time, there lived a boy. This boy was to be put to death the next day for stealing an special ruby, he thought the ruby was an apple because he was so fucking dumb (He broke all of his teeth in thd process) So he hatched a plan. To avoid getting put to death, he was going to drive the planet into the sun. To kill the people who where going to kill him. And he was like "WHOOP IM SMARTS" And the other people where like "STFU BITCH YOUR STUPID" And he's like "NUH UH" And the other's where like "YEAH." The villagers called upon the  queen, so that the world wouldn't get burned into the sun. She said in reply "Is he a fucking idiot? Does he know, that if he drives us into the sun that he is going to die with us?". The queen found him and turned him into a potato, a crop she only dreamed about. She cooked and ate , enjoying the taste. She turned the rest of her people into potatoes so that she could have more of the delicious crop. All her people died. But that wasn't enough for the queen, she wanted more and more, and she turned the surrounding kingdomes and land into potatoes. But she still wanted more. So she turned her arms and legs into potatoes, and ate them; Consumed by disire. And disabled by greed.
(Sleep well, in knowing that every potato you eat, is the leftover body of the queen, queen of the fourth sin, gluttony)


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