Grace Rosalind Vennor Poldark's Arrival

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Ross was led into the operating room where he saw his wife with a patrician between under her breast and belly. She looked at him with scared eyes, she reached for his hand. He went to her and took her hand in his and kissed her knuckles then her brow. He whispered it will be alright. A voice asked if they were ready, Ross looked up and realized it was Dwight he looked around the room and recognized Julia her OB. Eleanor nodded and squeezed his hand tight. Dwight said to have faith we got you and the little one." Eleanor started having a contraction, they hadn't administered the block yet, they waited for it to subside then they got down to business. Ross smoothed Eleanor's hair back and they held each other's eyes. Ross said, "I love you so much, my love." Dwight said here she comes. Julia held the baby and then handed it off to Dwight who in turn got the baby to breathe. She started wailing and Eleanor and Ross smiled at each other.

Dwight said, "may Ross hold her while Julia and I finish with you before the nurse takes her to get cleaned up. Eleanor said, "yes please." Ross reached out while Dwight put his crying daughter in his hands. Eleanor saw such love emanating out of a man before, certainly not her father. Ross cued, Hello Grace Rosaline Vennor Poldark, I am your Daddy it is so nice to meet you. Eleanor was weeping it was such a beautiful moment. The nurse came for the baby and Ross did not want to give her up, but he saw his wife sobbing and knew she needed him. He gave the baby up to be cleaned and then he kissed Eleanor, "I hope you didn't mind me adding Vennor in there. She shook her head. Ross asked, "why are you crying, my love this should be a happy time." She said, "I love you so much Ross Vennor Poldark, you are going to be an awesome father. "And you my love will be an awesome mother."

The nurse said, "your daughter is a healthy nine-pound four-ounce baby, she is twenty inches long. Her heartbeat is a little fast, but she just had a traumatic entry into our world didn't you little one. Did I hear you have a name already, Dwight laughed was standing beside her, and whispered something to her. I choose Grace Rosalind Faith Vennor Enys Poldark. Ross and Eleanor laughed. Ross said, "it will take her forever to learn to write all that." Eleanor said, "her name is Grace Rosalind Vennor Poldark. Tell Caroline the next one or maybe even her own. Eleanor raised an eyebrow as she said it then giggled at Dwight's red face.

They brought the baby over and asked if she was breastfeeding, and she nodded. The nurse said, "having the baby lay skin to skin helps soothe them and calms them down. Even though you don't have your milk, she can suckle as soon as Dr. Julia gives you the okay." She starts to pull her gown down enough for the baby to lay on her chest Ross helps, then he takes Grace from the nurse's arms and lays their daughter on her bare skin. Dwight tells her that as soon as they finish it should be good for her to breastfeed, they just don't want any muscle contractions while they are stitching her up. Ross lays his big hand on the baby letting her know he has her and will protect her to the end time. Eleanor says, "she is beautiful, I am afraid I love her too much, what would I do without her." Ross said, "I pray to God we don't ever have to. Dwight comes over and touches her black curls, "you must have had some serious heartburn with this head of hair." Eleanor giggled, "do you see her fathers?" Then Dwight got serious, "she is so beautiful I congratulate you both. I have a pediatrician I would like to call in I feel he is the best if you don't mind?" Eleanor frowns is something wrong?" Dwight said, "not at all, he is who I would get if it was my child. This one feels like she is. Ross growled, "she I mine, get your own." Eleanor and Dwight chuckled. Dwight said, "I will go tell the waiting room of Gracie's arrival."

Eleanor held the baby until they said the pediatrician was downstairs to check her out. Ross said,
" I want to go with her." The nurse said, "they do it in the nursery I will be with her she smiled. Eleanor started to weep again; I don't want to let her go." The nurse smiled, "honest we will bring her back to you, we can keep them." Eleanor gave her up. Ross kissed his daughter's head, then looking at Eleanor he said, "I know how precious she is. Then he said, "I should have gotten her picture laying on your chest. Eleanor giggled, "no, thank you I don't want to end up on the front page of the Cornmare newsletter. Ross smirked, "yeah you are right I would have to black out some skin or kill any man looking at it.

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