Getting His Mind Right

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Eleanor met Verity at the office Monday morning. Verity cried "thank God Eleanor you don't know how glad I am that you're back. I can't do this!" Eleanor laughed, "well it is nice to be appreciated." They walked into the conference room with all her chief administrators there, when she told them she was back the whole room clapped. They told Verity nothing against her but when it came to pushing the company forward nobody did that better then Eleanor. Eleanor asked the people working at the company to keep her return as quiet as possible.

She met with the security people Joshua told them about. Her bodyguard was an ex Ranger from the United States and had a long list of people he had protected in the past. Eleanor told him he was hired and that she basically wanted twenty-four seven coverage. He told her his relief person was also an army veteran with impressive bodyguards skills and his name was Dan. Jake is supposed to be back at the end of the day to start the detail.

Eleanor and Verity got caught up with most of the things happening the last few weeks. Joshua came into the office going over things needing to be addressed. He also suggested that they bring in at least two people to sit on the board. Eleanor suggested Caroline and Zacky or Matt Pierce since they were well respected and would be excellent additions? The company would put the same conditions forward they would receive five shares giving each a voting right of one vote with the stipulation it could not be sold they must be returned to the company if the board member resigns their seat. Joshua, what do you think about adding a third person someone until Francis's child is old enough to take over its shares. I will get a letter out to the effect that we would like to invite two more shareholders. We are looking at Caroline Enys, and Matt Preice and Zacky Martin. We would like others' names to be voted in at the next shareholders meeting.

They went over where they stood with the Resort Spa. Joshua brought up the issue of Elizabeth stopping plowing around Twenwith, Verity said "I was the lawyer for Francis and there is no stipulation to that effect. Tell Ross to have them go ahead and plow it, I'll deal with Elizabeth!"

They were ready to leave for the day and Eleanor met with Jake. He asked her for her keys , she told him she walked! Jake told her "we'll go in my car. From now on we drive you don't walk". There was a loud screech and Claud came barreling to Eleanor, Jake stepped in front of her as Joshua said no this is my son. stopping Jake in his tracks. He said I just about took you out. You shouldn't ran at someone with a bodyguard. Claud said, "why does Demelza need a bodyguard?I will protect her!" Eleanor said, "I knew you will but if anything happened to you I would be heartbroken!" Eleanor introduce Claude to Jake and told him, he would be riding into and home from the office with them. Claude, Joshua, Jake, Verity and Eleanor all went to the penthouse where they had leftover French bread pizza and a salad. When they were done she brought out the cake. Jake told her if he got food like this he may do the job for free. There was still a half a cake left so she sent a quarter of the cake home with Joshua and kept the rest for her "bodyguards" and Claude."

When Joshua got home he walked in with the cake Ross seeing it knew immediately his dad was with Eleanor, "Dad please tell me she is back, I need to see her?" Joshua said, "I can't son, but I will give you a piece of cake." Joshua told him what Verity had said, that Elizabeth could not stop the plowing of the fields since she was the one that handle the deed transfer there is no stipulation, I think it was a way for her to get you to go to her. Ross said, "I suppose I will have to speak to her." Joshua said, "no Verity is handling it!" "So how is Eleanor" Ross asked? "She's fine she is being careful since they left Hugh out on bail." Ross said, "I can't believe that after what he did to her." "Would you like to know the name of this cake, Joshua questioned? Ross raised and eyebrow. Joshua snickered, "it is called better then sex cake?" Ross and Joshua both burst out laughing, "I don't know who or how those people have sex but" Joshua stated! They both laughed until they had tears running down there faces.

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