But this kind of thing is obviously impossible. They are so weak and have discovered each other, how can the other party not discover them when they are so powerful?

    And there were even flying orcs in that mobile tribe, and the other party must have known about them before they found out about the other party.

    Finally, the powerful orcs came to the outside of their cave. They said that they were a mobile tribe of the Tianhe tribe, and asked them if they needed to exchange things. They had salt, cloth, and many other things.

    How could it not be needed? The tribe where the rain is located is not qualified to go to the big tribe, and there are few mobile tribes on their side. Salt is the most precious thing in their tribe. Everyone uses it very cheaply, but even so, their tribe also It has been short of salt for a long time.

    After all, they could not resist the temptation of salt. The leader took Yu and the others out of the cave. After finding that the other party really had no intention of hurting them, Yu and the others were relieved, and then they looked at these orcs and them excitedly and curiously. s things.

    To this day, Rain can't forget the shock that he brought him when he saw the mobile tribe of the Tianhe tribe. The other party was wearing something completely different from them, but he felt so soft just by looking at them, and each of them was cleaner than them, with hair To be submissive, the most important thing is that they are so strong and have so many smiles on their faces, as if they have never worried about survival!

    At that time, he didn't know that he would be able to live the same life as them. He just secretly envied in his heart. The turning point happened before the mobile tribe left. At that time, the mobile tribe was willing to let them have more. The prey traded salt, choosing to stay next to their tribe for five days.

    During those five days, whether it was the rain or other people in the tribe knew the name of a tribe from their mouths - Tianhe tribe, they said it was a big friendly tribe, and the big tribe was willing to accept that other tribes could not survive. The orcs and sub-beasts, regardless of gender, age or age, even people who are plagued by evil spirits, can go to the big tribe, because there are witches there, and the witches can expel evil spirits for everyone.

    They also said that the orcs and sub-beasts of the Tianhe tribe can eat enough every day, and no one will starve or freeze to death even in the cold winter.

    The people in the tribe where the rain is located are very eager to hear it. If other people told them that such a tribe exists in the world, they would not believe it, but now it is the people of these mobile tribes who are telling them these words, five days. The time is enough to let them know that the people of this mobile tribe are a group of kind people, and there is no need for the other party to deceive them.

    Before the mobile tribe left, the other party said that if they wanted to join the Tianhe tribe, they could leave with them. The tribe where Yu was hesitating was hesitant. They had always lived here. The life was a bit bitter, but the unknown seemed to be even more terrifying, especially the leader. , I heard that after he went to the Tianhe tribe, he couldn't be the leader. He didn't want to go after saying anything. Many people in the tribe followed him, so naturally he didn't go.

    But Yu wanted to go, so on the morning when the mobile tribe left, he brought his grandfather Amu to join the Tianhe tribe. Along with them were other orcs and sub-beasts in the tribe. Fortunately, although not the whole tribe joined, The mobile tribes did not despise them.

    In the next few months, Yu and the others followed the mobile tribes of the Tianhe tribe, and they really gained a lot of knowledge. Only then did they realize that their hunting was like a child and an adult compared to the hunting of the Tianhe tribe. There are flying orcs, there are brave lion orcs, each kind of orc is so powerful, facing the big beasts that can chase them away, the orcs of the Tianhe tribe are very relaxed, such a posture It is what every orc aspires to!

I was a doctor in the primitive beastTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang