Chapter 1

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All the money that I had, I spent it in good company

         Peach shifted uncomfortably on the short barstool. The men seated around her shot her hungry looks as they noticed her obvious discomfort. Peach made sure not to smirk as much as she wanted to. Let these idiots eat up her obvious tell and throw even more money into the center of the table. She held the pair of queens in her hand tightly together with one hand, while she used the other to fan herself with a lace-trimmed fan. The saloons were always boiling and humid from the breath and stench of drunken men.

They were all the same. Muddy and tired from hard days on some squalid farm somewhere, hoping to relax and drink away their miserable lives every night. Maybe even win a few dollars while they were at it. They were always the easiest targets. Especially with the lack of education in dirty little towns like Rosewood.

Peach had already decided to leave town in the morning, so bleeding these fools dry tonight would be no problem. She watched carefully over the top of her fan as the dealer laid out the second community card on the table. The turn, as it was called, was another queen. Peach wouldn't let herself grin with excitement. Instead, she let out a heavy sigh, as she pushed a measly bet into the center. The man to her right grinned at her through chipped yellow teeth. His breath reeked of beer as he spoke.

"If you run out of money, sweetheart, perhaps we could play for some of that jewelry of yours." He stared down at the dainty gold chains wrapped around her neck, before his eyes veered south, making it quite obvious that he was staring at her breasts peeking out the top of her white corset.

Peach carefully angled her fan to cover his view, and shot him a sweet smile, "let's hope it doesn't come to that, my husband would be furious."

Another man, an older man, across the table huffed. Even at 18, it was believable that Peach was perhaps someone's prized younger wife. She always made sure to add that little anecdote. It was just another layer of protection in case things went south. Not that she couldn't handle herself. Subconsciously she shifted under her skirt making sure her knife and pistol were still strapped to her thighs.

The dealer dealt the fourth and final community card, the river. In poker, this card could be considered the most important. It could make or break your hand. Another Queen. Luck was definitely on Peach's side tonight. Not only did she have a nearly unbeatable hand, but all the others would surely bet high on a pair of queens. She watched, one by one as the men pushed piles of change and crumpled dollars to the center.

"If y'all are doing it, perhaps I should as well," Peach giggled as she slid a pile of her pocket money to the center. The last two men slid in their money with wicked grins.

"All bets are in, it's time to reveal." the dealer said. His pomade-crusted mustache bobbed as he spoke. Peach had to breathe to slow the adrenaline pumping through her veins. At once all the players revealed the pair of cards in their hands. As Peach laid down her cards, her white-gloved fingers brushing against the beer-stained felt, the men started cursing.

She looked around at the awestruck looks on their faces. Even the dealer's eyes were wide.

"Miss Evergreen wins with a four of a kind."

Peach looked around the table before clapping her hands together excitedly.

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