✯Thriteen✯ - Punches And Goodbyes?

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She couldn't see Jacob's expression from where she stood. But his fist still clenched tight proved this wasn't an apology hug, but a pretense.

Teresa couldn't guess if it was due to the crowd now forming, or there was something they were both not telling her. Her eyes narrowed on them. She was certainly going to get the truth out of them one way or the other.

The crowd began clapping, at their presumed reconciliation. She heard a little word a man spoke not too far from her 'That how you do it. Let the fist talk, and settle it with a warm embrace'.

If only he knew the battle that was still going on between both brothers.

"Jacob! Gideon!" Grandpa Daniel's voice called out to their names, as he walked past Teresa, who had her arms wrapped around her tight. "I think it's about time we heard home." He said in such finality leaving no room for further discussion. The angry line plastered in his face was rather too foreign.

Teresa has never seen such expression on the old man's face before. Somehow he looked more disappointed than angry.

She felt Rachel wrap her hands on her. Prompting Teresa to stare at her in appreciation, gladly welcoming the warmth she brought. As they both followed the Snow men to the director the SUV was packed.

Throughout the ride to the cabin no one uttered a word. The tension in the car was so suffocating that Teresa had to lower down the glass window by her side appreciating the new breath of fresh air.

She whirl her gaze towards the front seat, where Jacob was seated on the driver's seat, and Gideon by his side. Both their bodies ridge. Jacob's hands were clutching the steering wheel so tight that she feared it was going to snap.

The silence in the car was so deafening. Almost like a volcano was about to erupt, the moment their legs touched the cabin.

Grandpa Daniel on the other hand kept silent, his gaze fixated on both men at the front seat of the car. He held his walking stick tight in his hand, constantly tapping his thumb on the curved handle of his stick.

Finally after what felt like hours, the SUV stopped at the front of the cabin. Grandpa Daniel, not wasting a second, came down from his car, including Rachel, and Jacob who gave Teresa a glance through the front mirror of the car.

Leaving her and Gideon together. She stretched her hands to open the door beside her. "Teresa." He called to her, bringing her to a stop. Her eyes stared at him, as he turned to gaze at her. His eyes looked sad, and tired. "We're leaving for New York tonight. I think it's best you start packing."

Surprised at his sudden word, her mouth opened to speak but somehow she found herself unable to form a proper sentence.

"An urgent work needs to be done tomorrow that cannot be postponed." He said, giving her an apology smile. "I better talk to Daniel about the unexpected news."

He wasn't telling her the main reason, and she wasn't having any of that nonsense. "Drop all that business excuse. You better tell me the main reason. And please tell the truth. You owe me that much."

Gideon appeared to be fighting war with himself. The troubled look on his face didn't go unnoticed, with his fingers running through his hair. His jaw clenched hard, as if he was gritting his teeth. "Jacob lied about Grandpa Daniel's health." He sighed out in defeat.

His answer reduced some of her unanswered questions. Though she had already suspected that Jacob had lied with the way Gideon had reacted. And she'd be lying if the truth didn't make her disappointed.

It did. She was already about to give him a chance. How stupid of she. It proved she was right about him all along. He was a devil. But how much of a devil was he that he had to lie about his own grandfather's health. And for what reason.

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