3.Kazemon Kicks It

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They walked on the side of a trailmon track in silence.

After a long pause, he sighted.

"Do you have any idea what is with this place?"

"None. All I can see is that it's close to an utopian place. The perfect combination between the human society and nature."

"Right..."He said letting a long pause to settle between them as he looked ahead deep in thought. "How that you ended up to live in an abandoned hotel, all alone?"

"Huh?" She lookied at him surprised. "Well...I used to live with my family out in the woods...Actually, I lived all my life in the woods...But...I couldn't live like that anymore...so, I had to leave the forests and try and live...like a normal...person, so I found the hotel and I liked it and since it was closest place that could remind me of home and yet to be...out too...I chose to stay there."

"You really lived most of your life out in the woods?"



"Everywhere and anywhere. Learning things on my own... Seeing places... meeting 'locals'...surviving, stuff like that."

"Hard to believe that someone like you would live in the wild..."

"Someone like me? What is that suppose to mean?"

"You seem the kind of girl that can get anything she wants."

"Maybe I am. But I don't want to have anything to do with the society..." She said looking at the sky.

"You don't like cities and stuff like that? Are you one of those nature's activists or something?"

"Keh, why should I be? Or more like why should I like the human society? We're suppose to go by the rules of nature. we're suppose to get what we need and offer back to the nature too. That is why I don't like the society. Everyone takes everything they want from nature without giving anything back. Humans have no respect for nature...So, of course I don't want to have anything to do with the society..."

"Then why are you there?"

"Because I don't have where else to go anymore..." She said looking down. "I lost everything... The best next thing I had...was that or be forever on the run... Why do you even care, anyway? Weren't you supposed to be the ice cold, uncarrying jerk?" She said looking at him annoyed.

"Sorry..." He said taken aback by her outburst.

,,Weird... What is with this girl? She seems like she lived in another world altogether..." He thought looking at her. ,,But her eyes... They seem so...familiar..."

She started to walk on top of the steel beam balancing herself easily on it. Suddenly she started to make a few front flips and spins landing still in perfect balance on the beam and still keeping up with his pace.

"You've been with the circus or something?" He asked a bit amused looking at her from time to time.

"You could say so." She said making another perfect landing.

"That's how you got the money to buy the hotel?"

"Nope. Just met a nice guy with whom I got along great and helped me as I helped him."

Something in him sunk hearing this.

"Some 'nice guy'? What? Some boyfriend?" He asked looking sideways.

"It would be weird to call him that since he is in his forties..."

"Oh, so he is your sugar daddy?" He said trying to seem amused.

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