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Sans and Papyrus mom was an absolute sweetheart and you could tell that they adored her. Sans was perched at the edge of the bed with Gaster standing at her side, praising her. In her arms was a smiling and wiggly Papyrus. Much like Gaster, her skull was cracked, making you wonder what happened to them, unlike Gaster though, they seemed much worse, like if she hit the right place, she'd turn to dust. That's how bad it was. Still, her family loved her and she loved them. It was really no wonder Papyrus was so accepting of your scars. "MOM." The young Sans interrupted your musings. "Yes Jellybean?" Sans puffed his cheeks, tail thumping irrately on the bed before he asked his question. "CAN I HOLD THE PUP?" She giggled. "Of course you can, Sans, here- make sure to support his head! There... look at that, Wingdings, our boys together." Gaster smiled fondly, his tail swished with a calm and gentle happiness as Sans held Papyrus, completely enraptured by his baby brother. His tail, unlike his dad's, wagged fiercely. "WHAT IS HIS NAME?" Gaster looked to the Skeleton woman. "Papyrus. I was thinking of calling him, Papyrus."

Much like myself, [Y/N] was born to kind people, though it seemed she was an only child. I'd gotten so used to the silence that came with [Y/N], that the earshattering cry that came from her tiny form made me jump. It seemed that before the accident, she'd had quite the set of lungs. "Oh, oh honey, it's ok my dear, sh, sh.." Her mom had calmed her quickly. He dad laughed. "She's a loud one!" Her mom shot him a playful glare. "So are you." I snorted at the comeback.

Papyrus grabbed his dad's hand, he was only three years old and he was already facing tragedy. "daddy, where's mama?" Gaster smiled sadly while Sans sobbed into him. "There was an accident at the lab, Noodle, mama won't... won't be coming home anytime soon.." Gaster told Papyrus quietly. Papyrus tail drooped. "aw, but mama said she was making spaghetti tonight.." He pouted, unaware of the meaning of death. Sans sniffled and plastered on a smile for his brother. "DON'T WORRY PAPY! I'M SURE WE CAN STILL MAKE IT WHEN WE GO HOME..!" Papyrus cheered and hugged his brother.

[Y/N] had the voice of an angel. A part of me wished that I could hear it in real time, but I was content with her knowing Wingdings. In school she was bullied, I feel like that's a common theme everyone suffers. More than once her parents tried to intervene and cut it out of her life, but it didn't end. But... [Y/N] didn't seem to care all that much. Always tried to befriend them. She's such a sweet girl. There was ONE she'd even gotten through too. Savanna.

Papyrus was alone when he went feral. Sans was at Royal Guard training and Gaster had work, ferrying monsters from section to section. Papyrus, they thought, was old enough to fend for himself or go to Alphys if there was problems. You were fairly certain that him going feral hadn't been taken into account. They were so upset when Papyrus had attacked them upon returning home. They no doubt regretted not being home with him, and you wanted to console them, but it was a memory. You didn't exist within it. Sans dropped his training to learn science and Gaster dropped his job. They were getting Papyrus back.

When [Y/N] woke up in the hospital after the crash, she was broken. She'd lost her voice, but most importantly she'd lost her family. Her parents were dead. To add to all that, was her new caretaker who didn't take care of her at all. He pulled her out of school and way from Savanna, her old enemy turned friend, abused her, and left her to sleep outside like a dog if she didn't appease him. It made me snarl with hatred.

Gaster had been transporting vials of determination to Sans when he'd stepped on an unstable part of the catwalk and fell into the C.O.R.E. That had left Sans alone to his task of taming Papyrus. Despite the hardships, the brother's had prevailed too. They worked together to make Papyrus special cuffs to make him look normal. Not to long after that, Sans became Grillby's apprentice and the Resets with a child named Chara had started. Sometimes they were actually Chara, other times they were the thing you'd trapped, the Player.

One fateful night, [Y/N] had had enough. She'd been locked out of the house in cold weather and she'd climbed the mountain. When she fell, she was ambushed by the Player and they'd fought for control on pacifist or genocide. That fateful night, I'd met my soulmate and gave her something she'd been missing for a long time. I gave her love.

You blinked out of the Synchronize. "I'm sorry you had to go through all that." Papyrus blinked and shook his head. "nah, it's fine. i'm sorry you had to go through that." You smiled. "It's fine... I think it's time." Papyrus tilted his head. "time? time for what?" He asked.

Free the monsters?

Make a life in the Underground?

1 chapter left

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