Touring... Date..?

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You shook your head. Chances were that your uninvited guest was watching and listening and you didn't want them to know Dr. Grillby and Sans plans. You tried to explain this to Papyrus to the best of your abilities by pointing to yourself then drawing your finger across your neck. Papyrus looked confused. "something about the player? that's why you don't wanna go?" You nodded. He got it! Maybe you didn't need the notebook to communicate! He chuckled at you, causing you to give him a confused stare. "it's nothin, that was just... cute." You both blushed and looked away, blushing. What was this feeling? This pull? You looked at Papyrus. Was he the cause? You decided to distract yourself by exploring Waterfall... well, Papyrus showing you around. You took your feet out of the water and put your shoes in inventory while you dried off. You grabbed Papyrus arm and pulled him up. He nearly snorted at your attempts, but eventually conceded. "what now? got an idea?" You gestured around you and pointed at the path. It took him a good minute to piece together what you were trying to say. "ya... wanna tour..?" You nodded enthusiastically. He couldn't say no.

You walked by his side as he warned you of the dangers of Waterfall, aka the spider clan. Apparently their leader was also Captian of the Royal Guard and not someone to be triffled with. At the mention of spiders though, you drew closer to Papyrus. A stupid, yet very common irrational fear you had. They were cute enough, it was the 'poisonous' part that got you. You didn't want to die in such a way. In drawing closer, the 'pull' in your soul got more insistent. Papyrus looked at you with concern. "scared of spiders?" You nodded. "heh... well don't worry.. i won't let her touch ya." He promised. You blushed and the pull tugged harder. Was this a date? Was this becoming some sort of date? You shook your head vigorously. No way! You were being ridiculous. One, no way anyone would ever like you like that and two, you only met Papyrus a short while ago, like a week. Maybe a little more. You barely knew Papyrus... but wasn't that what a date was about? Stars it was still stupid! He doesn't even think of it as a date, so it's NOT a date.

Papyrus POV

"hey, you ok there?" I asked. Her soul seemed everywhere. Whatever she was thinking about she found confusing. I couldn't pinpoint her emotions at all. She nodded quickly, and my soul pulled towards her as it always did. Huh, if I didn't know any better I would have thought that her soul yearned too. "alright well grab an umbrella, things are about to get a bit wet." We both took umbrellas and continued walking. She looked to be enjoying herself which was exactly what I wanted. We stopped at the statue and she felt the slick marble with wonder. I took a breath and decided to make a move, pulling her beside me so I was under her umbrella with her while I gave the statue mine. This time it was unmistakable. Her soul was yearning for me as the statues music started to play. She stared at me wide eyed with a heavy blush on her face. Stars I wanna kiss her.

Kiss her?

Keep going?

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