A Friend or Three

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"S-so.. W-what's on your m-mind? You seem... h-hurt.." Alphys looked you up and down in a sympathetic manner. "It's nothing, really." You wrote. "M-most people w-wouldn't walk around barefoot u-unless they were trying to escape s-something.." You shifted your stance, glancing around. "We d-don't have to talk about it now.. h-how about we play s-some games while I-I wait on my d-daily customers?" You smiled and nodded. So you were handed some free tokens to play. After the first game, all sorts of kids joined you, you played with them, the sweet little kids they were. You were enjoying yourself. One of the kids, MK, was having troubles with a shooting game... mainly because he didn't have arms. (Who would MK even swap with?) So you did the shooting while MK pointed out what he wanted you to shoot. It was really fun! "Y-you're really good with k-kids, you know.." Alphys complemented. You grinned and gave her a thumbs up. She giggled while you decided to school these kids in the best of all old school video games, [F/V/G].

You were getting pretty high in the rounds, with all the monster children surrounding you. You didn't pay attention as the door to Alphys opened and a certain tall and lanky skeleton walked in with his brother, worry etched on either of their faces. But he noticed you. Your scent.. the pull. He noticed, and he followed, soon he watched as well. The determined look in your [E/C] eyes as you beat the stage and moved on to the next, the way you smirked a tad when you did. It was mesmerizing. He hadn’t really been all that mad at your actions, no. He'd been shocked. Your actions had caught him completely off guard and he hadn’t known how to respond. He hadn’t meant to chase you off. When he went to apologize and you weren't there, he'd panicked and the boys went out to look for you. But you were here, safe within the confines of his favorite arcade that conveniently sold syrup. Papyrus didn't ask why, he just came, played some games on occasion and bought some syrup because yum. Sans and Alphys moved in to watch as well. "O-one of the citizens b-brought her in.. n-no shoes.." 'Note to self, get her shoes.'

You finally lost to a particularly strong boss, but earned some high fives and a odd hug from MK. You didn't question it to much, but they had to leave for lunch. You beamed, waving happily as they left, before the color yellow caught your attention, at first you thought it was Alphys, but looking over you saw two familiar skeletons with the dragon lady. You averted your eyes immediately, looking down in submission. "..." Papyrus sighed and walked over, giving you a hug. You tensed in his arms. You didn't know what he was planning. "i'm sorry. i didn't mean to scare ya.." He... was apologizing? "a soul is... a rather intimate thing for a monster, so i kinda panicked... i guess. it's kinda hard with your mutism, so i forget that that a lotta things down here are new to ya.." Papyrus pulled away now, rubbing the back of his skull. You, on the hand, were blushing and on the verge of tears. You'd noticed the glow, but you hadn't known it was his soul.. You'd... accidentally... peeked at an intimate part of him. How embarrassing!

"h-hey don't cry!" Now what'd he do?! You sniffed, wiping the tears from your eyes. It was the only sound he'd ever really heard you make.. "HUMAN, ARE APOLOGIES BAD WHERE YOU COME FROM?" Sans asked to which you shook your head. Alphys walked over with the small notepad. "I-It's ok t-to talk to us.. w-we are friends, aren't we?" She held it out for you to take. But the absolute shock on your face was slightly concerning as you shook. It was all so much. Friends? That was something you hadn't had in a long time and never thought you'd have again. The tears flowed faster as you let out a silent sob, your hands curling into your chest. "[Y/N]..?" Papyrus thoughts were on what was wrong. Surely she had friends on the surface right? But what did he know? She didn't speak. Stars he hoped she would open up soon. He could only imagine how beautiful her voice sounded. "ya have friends.. right..?" You... shook your head. Papyrus huffed. "welp. now ya do." He hugged her close. "me, sans, and alphys... we'll be your friends." The other two nodded while you leaned into Papyrus. "hey... question. after this you wanna get shoes?" You snorted despite everything, it was a very random question. "if not i'm sure al wouldn't mind hanging out longer?"
"N-not at a-all!"

Get shoes?

Stay at Alphys Arcade?

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