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You looked at at your feet. That was kinda an issue so... "Shoes.. I really need shoes.." Papyrus chuckled. "i suppose, the snow is pretty cold for a furless creature with nerves like yourself." Alphys nodded. "I-it really bothers m-me, so she's g-got to be..."
"yeah, i got it from here. thanks al." The dragon beamed. "O-of course! D-don't be a s-stranger!" You all waved you goodbyes as you prepared yourself for the oncoming coldness once more. Only, you didn't step into coldness. You stepped into a shop. A cream colored rabbit perking upon notice. "Papyrus, Sans, miss, what can I help you with?"
"my friend here is looking for a pair of shoes, greater got to them so.." She chuckled. "Oh. I see. Those are beyond repare then. Come this way, to the back." You followed the brothers and the bunny into the back, you were starting to feel a little more feverish. You'd almost forgotten about the possibility of being sick, it'll probably get worse quickly now that you've been out again without socks or shoes. You could feel pressure building in your head too and your throat was starting to get sore.

You and Papyrus skimmed the shoes, trying to find shoes that would fit a human in your size. You weren't picky either, which made things easier. "HUMAN, WILL THESE-" Sans stopped, frowning. Instead of showing you what he had, he felt your head. "You're burning up, human.." Papyrus padded over, immediately concerned. "i'll bet it was all that time underdressed in the cold.. she's likely sick.." Papyrus grabbed your hand. "she's shivering too. i'm gonna get her home, remember she's a [S/S] in shoes, a [C/S] for a jacket. don't forget hat and gloves."
"you know i will." With at Papyrus picked you up bridal style, making you flush further, and you ended up at the brothers house. Papyrus eased you onto the couch and touched your head, fliching. He was pretty sure that was hot for a human. "just chill out here, i'll make you something." He covered you up with a blanket that he'd gotten from his room and went off into the kitchen. You coughed weakly. What a hectic couple of days..

That nap, if you could even call it that, was restless. Between illness and nightmares, it wasn't helpful at all. Eventually, Papyrus woke you from it though, the skeleton checking your temp via touch again. "here ya go.. i can't promise that it's good, but it should help a little.." You gave him a small smile, gratefully taking the bowl from him. You blowed on it a little to cool it down and tasted it. It wasn't bad at all, in fact it was rather tasty! If you could, you would have hummed at the flavor. Unfortunately you couldn't, so you settled with eating it as fast as you could while ill. Papyrus laughed in slight relief. "i'll take that as a it's good." He took the empty bowl from you, replacing it with a cup and some syrupy looking red medicine. "the medicine don't taste to good, so the hot chocolate should help in that respect." True to his word the medicine, like all medicines, tasted horrible and you downed the hot contents in the cup. "hm.. that expression your wearing. that's the expression of someone who would rather die than take it again." Papyrus joked taking the rest of your dishes. "get some rest. sans will be back soon."

Papyrus POV

She fell asleep pretty quickly. Whether it was emotional exhaustion, the medicine, or something else I didn't know. I washed up the dishes, grateful that I had experience from when Chara got sick. I would've hated to know that she was ill, but not know what to do. It was probably just a cold, humans catch those pretty easily. I noticed something though. She seems to sleep just about as well as I do, which means she's dealing with some sort of trauma. Granted I already figured that out with how she came down here, how she lacked proper winter (or outdoors) clothing, and the way she reacted when she was apologized to earlier. Not to mention she didn't have any friends. There was one other thing I was worried about, regarding her. Earlier, in our search, I'd went to the Ruins, asking about her. Asgore didn't know anything, but he did warn about a human with a knife. The Player was here. More specifically, in [Y/N].. she seemed to be fighting against them, or Asgore and everyone else would be dead. I... don't know how to approach this though. Should I talk to Sans and get his opinion on the matter? Try to get her to talk to me? Soul Scycronize and show her that I know about them?

Talk to Sans?

Talk to you?

Soul Syncronize?

Protective (Feralswap Papyrus x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें