Chapter 8: three hours later

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I wait until five minutes until I leave my room. I'm only five feet out when a squeak comes out of the floor. Cringing I wait to my relief no one comes out asking what I'm doing.
Just as I see the brown leather couch I hear a creak from the kitchen. Cranking my neck I can see that she is sitting at the table tapping on the wood with four fingers.
"Umm..." Clearing my throat she stands. First thing I notice is her hair; it's not in a ponytail or braid its loose. Her wavy blonde hair reaches about to her elbows; reminding me of the ocean at sunrise.
"Sit." It wasn't a question or request it was a clear demand. As I take my seat at the table she I clearly thinking about something. So I just sit there staring at her and wait.
Snapping out of her gaze," What in the hell are you staring at?"
"My good god woman! Can't you stop acting like a bitch for five minutes? Clearly I'm waiting on you to talk." By the look on her face I can tell she was stunned.
"I want to know what you want?"
"At least buy me a drink toots."
"Ugh! I'm not kidding what do you want?"
I hold her stare.
"Why would you think I want anything hon?"
"Fils de pute! Je m'en fou about your games. Just tell me!"
"Was that French?" A low growling sound comes from her throat. "Okay you deserve to know," thinking on my toes I change the subject.," but first you have to answer a few of my questions."
"Ugh fine whatever hurry up."
"Ok first what was your job before this world came to be?"
"I was a writer."
"Really what book did you write?" I can't see her as a writer but whatever.
"My uh friend said that my books weren't any good so he burned them."
"What a bastard. Ok moving on did you have a boyfriend or husband?"
"That's none of your damn business."
I put my hands up in surrender." Sorry okay than moving on. Did you ever have a run in with something I don't know horrifying happen before this." I gesture around the room. Her eyes narrow at me.
"No I didn't. Now if your done-"
"Not quite did your husband beat you?"
"What? He -" I grin and she catches her self to late. "Ok enough! Answer my question. What do you want?"
I lean forward hands on the table a wicked grin on my face. "I want to know who or more like why you where up two hours after you went to sleep? With a pistol on the back porch? I want to know who is terrorizing your dreams so bad that you armed your self just to walk out on the porch." Her mouth is a open fly trap; eyes filling like a broken foist slowly feeling.
"His name was Laine he was my fiancé. We had a step daughter named Bella she was left too me when my best friend pasted in a car wreck. He use to beat us." Her hands instantly go to her side. I'm not sure that she even notices it." Than one day he can home late at night drunk as I'll get out he was yelling at me because I didn't get the house as clean as he liked. So to punish me he grabbed a knife and..."
She stares of in the distance." Athena what did he do too you?" She hesitantly lifts her shirt up and over her head to revile her gray sports bra and a very long jagged scar running from her hip up to the top of her rib cage. Than turning she shows me another long scar running from her shoulder blade down to her elbow. "After this he didn't think that I had been punished enough he went up stairs and killed Bella in her sleep."
She's sobbing now and I regret saying anything about it. I walk over to her lead her back to her room, well lead is a strong word more like carried her to her bed. I get in the bed myself and hold her in my arms.
"Shh...Its okay," I say smoothing her hair with one hand as she leans her head on my chest. Resting my chin lightly on her head," I won't let anyone hurt you ever. They would have to kill me to get to you."
I told myself that after she feel asleep that I would go back to my room ,but she fell asleep with her head and hand on my chest. My left arm under her waist and my right arm hugging her closer to my body.


Sorry for those who like this book that it took so long for the update. For those who are reading this book I don't know if I should keep writing this book if you think that it's worth writing than please comment so. I hope you have enjoyed the book so far.

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