Chapter 3:

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"Ok you," I say jerking my thumb toward Matthew.," go get the rest of your group. And, met me back here." After my long interrogation me and the men came to an agreement. I'll show them my place if they help with supplies and protection. But, I have yet to crack about Anna and Chef. I can't just let them think that I'll go weak if they hold them against me.
"Wait what? No way I'm going to follow orders from a bitch." Matthew snarled.
I move so fast nether one of them saw me coming. I hooked one arm around his left bicep twist it around his back. My knife at the spinal cord behind the neck. In a choke hold so I can cut off his air way.
"Call me a bitch one more time and I'll cut off all your limbs off one by one. And, I can almost bet that you'll guess which is first." By the end of my awesome speech his face was a ripe tomato. When I let go he falls to the ground gasping for air.
To my surprise Kiran starts laughing at Matthew.
"Dude you screwed up. This little beauty means business." He says with a wink at me. The dude just met me and now he's flirting with me; man the end of the world does crazy things to people. But I mean really it's just so... so pathetic you know?
"Oh my lord Kiran you don't have to flirt with the first chick you see that's alive." Matthew states. And, to be frank I actually have to agree with him on it. I mean yea I'm hot for a chick that survived the end of time. I've got the long ,wind blown ,natural dirty blonde highlights hair , the piercing green eyes, and a perfect figure, well almost perfect figure. But, that's no reason to try to sleep with a chick the first day you met. I mean God at least get her a cup of coffee first!
"Oh I'm sorry did you want a try first? I'm sure that she's in love with a guy that constantly has called her a bitch for the past hour." Kiran snaps back at him.
"At least I don't try to sleep with the first living woman I see." Matthew practically yelled.That's when I realized that they were getting closer and closer to each other's faces. I hurry and get between them arms extended.
"Hey would you two shut it and go find the rest of your group now!" I've snapped I know I have. I have never been so angry at two men since, well I don't know since before the end of the world. "And, you," I jab a finger at Kiran's chest," can stay here so that dodo over here can leave. Plus I can't leave with him here. Now go get the others we are losing day light." I look over to see Matthew just standing there."Uh, now!" He started around the corner. We were silent until he was out of our site and out of ear shot.
"What was that all about?" I ask turning to face him.
He looks down at me a little grin on his lips,"What so ever do you mean?"
I point my knife, that was still out of its stealth, in the direction of where Matthew was." That's what I mean."
"Oh, sorry about that Matthew's my brother. He wasn't always such a jackass you know."
"Well I'd never have guessed." He softly chuckles at my joke.
"You know your different from the other girls that survived the apocalypse. Most are always throwing them selves at the first man they see to protect them. You? You act as if this is a sleepover. Like you where born to survive; your strong, fast, and-" he doesn't get the chance to finish. Because the next thing either of us know we hear the click of a pulled back hammer. A pistol hammer. The sound came from behind Kiran He puts his hands up in surrender and slowly turns.
"Don't you move." Kiran stops half turned. Where have I heard that voice before? It sounds very familiar. Kiran moves faster than I thought was possible for his high and weight. That's when it hit me; that voice is familiar because I raise it from a toddler. Chef was behind Kiran.
I tried to speak but it was too late Kiran's machete was already out and on Chefs' throat. The fear was all in Chefs' face and body. He looked at me for help. But before I could move Kiran said," Ella turn around you don't want to see this."
"If you kill him I'll shoot you." My voice was as calm as the breeze coming from the ocean and as deadly as a rattlesnake. I looked at Chef and said in an even more deadly tone," Why are you out here? I told you to leave you ass in the house."
Chef was about to speak when Kiran interrupted by saying," You know him? How you said that you were alone!"
I hang my head down for a moment that I left it up." Ok I lied I'm not the only one. I was trying to protect him and my sister. I didn't know I could trust you. If I trusted every person they would be dead. I all ready took the chance to trust you."
He looks like a bomb with a timer and that timers about up. But, it started to change when my words sunk in.
Then he finally let Chef go as I said ,"Please let him go." My voice was shaking when I said it. When Chef as arms length away I pulled and put a bear hug on him. As I pull away I straighten and look over at Kiran who's in utter shock. He's staring at me like I'm an idiot.
"What else did you lie about?" His question was what made Chef look up at me. I glanced at him and took hold of his hand. Than I glance back at Kiran.
" I'm not by myself."
"I've noticed."
"Its just me,my sister ,and stepbrother," nodding my head at Chef," we live with in the house I'm leading you to. This is Chef and my sisters name is Anna. I told you the truth about how old I was. Chefs fourteen and my sisters twenty-one. And my names not Ella. It's Athena."
He nods trying to digest what I just said. When he's done he walks towards me and Chef. Chef try's to step in front of me, as to protect me. Ha! Fat chance there. I put my arm in front of his chest and push him behind me. I try to stand tall. But Kiran's always going to be taller than me. He gets just inches from my face and leans in.
"From now on you tell me the truth. Got it? And, you can trust me. I trusted you until now but I still think that your not going to be stupid enough to run when there's a fight."
What the heck does that mean? I stare straight into his eyes, which are a light grayish blue, without fear. And, I know that he can tell that I'm about as scared of him as I am a puppy.
Which isn't much actually it's none at all. I can feel Chef move uncomfortably behind me." You," he says," should show some respect to her buddy."
Kiran laughs at what Chef says,"What are you her bodyguard? Because trust me she could take care of her self without your help."
" I know she don't need help buddy ,but I ain't gonna sit here while you get in her face and order her around." Chef surprised me with what he was saying. Man I did raise him right.
"Oh really buddy?! Well news flash she-" I interrupted them by yelling at them.
"Would you two shut the hell up!" They instantaneously shut up. My hands on my hips,I still got it.
"Y'all need to get a grip. Yes I can take care of my self. And, yes you need to show some respect, because if it weren't for me you'd be homeless for tonight. I can take it away just as easily as taking candy from a baby."
They both just stared, Chef was looking down at the ground. And as for Kiran he won't stop staring me down. I look up at the sun only two hours until sun down. Not enough time for a supplies run but enough to get home and get the house ready for night fall. I jump when I hear smashing footfalls from around the corner. We all turn on our heels startled; our weapons out and ready to kill. However, to our utter relief it was just Matthew and the others. I nod to him than I turn toward Kiran.
"Follow me." I jerk my head to the side and start running the others to follow.Starting at a jog than speeding up to a sprint toward the house.
• • • •
When we finally reached the house everyone was out of breath expected me, Kiran, and Chef. It was only a one an a half mile run.
I tell them to be quiet so that Anna can hear me. I knock on the oak wood three times. Wait five seconds than I whistle a lullaby our mom used to sing. When the door opens Anna steps out rushing at Chef not acknowledging the group of strangers behind me.She grabs Chef by the ear, he hunches over in pain.
"Ow!" He cries.
"Where the hell have you been! I told you to go wash clothes! You are so dead!" she keeps going on and on, and some things she is saying I wouldn't repeat if my life depended on it. Crossing my arms over my chest I clear my throat. Walking in the house cussing like a sailor Karin whispers behind my ear.
"I take it that that is your lovely sister?"
"Uh, Anna," I say a little embarrassed at her outburst and at Karin's words.She turns around looking like a mad woman on drugs.
"What!...," she straightens seeing what's behind me," Who the hell are they?"

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