Chapter 2:

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As I bolt he tries to grab my arm in an attempt to stop me. But I don't slow I can hear more foot steps behind me. I risk a glance over my shoulder and I see exactly what I thought ,well kind of. I thought that all three where coming after me, but only two are abs and needy of soap. I get as far as a block before I look back again. And, to my pleasant surprise I lost them. I slow to a jog but nothing less just to be sure.
That's when I turn around the corner of a little vacation home to find a gun pointed at my face. I freeze instantly. I can feel all my blood in my veins turn to ice."Who are you?" The needy of soap man said gun still pointed at my face.
When I didn't answer he restated the question but with a lot more annoyance in it. Again I didn't answer. Heck I didn't even try too. I watch as his eyes narrow in nothing but unmistakable anger.
"Get against the wall!" He says this between grunted teeth.
I put my hand on my hip. Just to make the statement in your dreams. That's when he pulls out the machete. I try to run but he's to fast he has me by the head, with the knife to my throat, and head leaning down so he can whisper in my ear." Either you tell me what I want to know,or I cut your pretty little throat open."
All I can manage to mutter is," Go to hell."
He sighs," Fine your funeral." He gets ready to do as he promised until a mans voice booms ," Let the girl go Matthew."
The man named Matthew turns he's head just enough to see the man behind the voice. He groans and just as he's about to let me go. I lift my leg twist my body and kick him between the legs. He binds over in pain just long enough for me to spin kick him in the face. Just as he hits the ground I feel two strong arms circle around my arms and waist. I struggle and kick blindly but it's no use I'm captured. By who I ain't got a clue.
"Who you calm down I'm not going to hurt you." In a deep voice the man behind me says.
"Than let me go!," I hiss.
"Know why would I want to do that?" I can tell he has a grin on his face.
"If you don't let me go in going to kick your ass." He laughs at that. I'm most positive because his whole body vibrates.
"Okay I'll let you go." My hopes rising because as soon as he lets me go I'm going to kill him." On one condition," God there's always a catch!," you answer all my questions. Got it?"
"Fine! Now put me down!"
"Oh and just in case you think of running I'll let Matt over there shot you at free will."
When I'm on the ground I cross my arms across my chest. The man laughs again and I realize that it's the abs guy.
"Ok first question," He says when he's done laughing at me.,"who are you?"
" I'll answer that when needy of deodorant over here," I jerk my head behind me.," stops pointing that gun at the back of my head. How stupid do you think I am if I'm going to run when it's two too one?"
"Just answer the f-" he stops when abs cuts him a look.
"Put the gun down Matt." Matt obeys orders. Than whispers so only I can hear ," better me thankful that he is taking a liking to ya or you'd be dead."
I don't respond. "Ok now answer the question."
"Only if after this you answer all the same questions so pick carefully. Deal?"
"Deal. Now who are you?"
"My name," I can't tell him my real name so I say," is Ella."
"Ella," he says as if testing it out,"nice name but it doesn't fit you. To be honest."
"Well deal with it. Next question."
"How old are you? And, is it just you or is there more survivors with you."
"No I'm alone." I look between the two men." And, I'm pretty sure your not the only one."
He chuckles," No I'm not. Ok you still haven't told me how old you are. You like what fourteen?"
" I'm seventeen thank you very much!" I say a little more defensively than I meant too.
He puts his hands palms facing me." Woah there clam down I didn't mean to upset you."
"Can't I just kill her now so we can get back to the others it's going to get dark in a few hours." Matt says sounding bored.
The abs guy says,"Would you shut up already."
He just looked shocked. All I said was,"Idiot."
"Ok last question for you." He says with a charming grin. "Where's your hideout?"
"I ain't got one." I try my best too look innocent but it doesn't work.
"Yea right where's it at? Aw come on sweetie you can tell me." He binds down to my level because he's taller than me and ,the sun is right behind his head, I couldn't see his face but I can now. Might I just say he's one of the most sexiest men I've ever seen. Strong jaw, perfect tan, and light blue almost grey eyes he's got it all. But that doesn't make me hate him any less.
"Call me sweetie one more freaking time I'll cut out your tongue before you can let out the h in holy ship." Only I didn't say ship or freaking.
"Your a sassy one aren't you." He chuckles at his on joke pathetic.
"Now you answer all the same questions." I say impatiently.
"Woah you didn't answer all of my questions either." He eyes me." You still don't trust me do you? Well," he says not waiting for an answer," what can I do too gain your trust?"
"Leave and never come back." I growled.
" I'm sorry but that's not going to happen. You see I have a group of people I need to keep safe so if I have to kill a little girl to do that I will."
I look down because I can relate too what he was saying. I would kill innocent people to keep Anna and Chef safe. I guess I've got no way out of this alive.
"Ok fine I'll show you where I stay but you have to keep your promise." I feel defeated.
"Well look who came around. Ok so you probably know how many people are in my group and that we have no place to stay.
Oh and I'm Kiran." He finishes with that god awful grin plastered all over his face.

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