Chapter 9- A narcissist vs a psychopath (Differences)

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1.) a psychopath will focus on YOU and seem to care about you. They will "seemingly" put 100% of their energy, time, emotions, care, etc, into you.
At least, in the beginning.
They make you feel like you found your bff, your person, a soulmate, or that you finally found somebody who just "gets you".
They will ask you things like:
"Hey! How are you?" and "what are you up to?" and they will like what you like.
The will be very interested in learning about YOU.

Meanwhile, a narcissist will want you to focus on them and solely them. ONLY them.
Like " Excuse me! Waiter! Where is my birthday cake? Why haven't you brought it to me? I'm celebrating my birthday week after all! Hee hee" or "Can we talk about me now? Let's focus on me."

2.) a psychopath doesn't need other people. In fact, they don't NEED anybody at all, at least not emotionally.
They do NOT need narcissistic supply.
Take the scene from Marvel's End game, Thanos is found by the Avengers on an alien planet completely alone and isolated. He says to them, "It is done." when they ask where the stones are.
You can see Thanos doesn't need anybody and doesn't care.
-Not about that loyal grey alien looking dude that calls him "sire" or "master" (abandons)
-not his daughter Gamora who he tosses away (tosses)
-not any of the avengers. (Sees as annoying flies in stretchy ugly jumpsuits)
He is perfectly fine being alone. A king sitting on his throne.

Meanwhile, a narcissist needs "narcissistic supply". Needs it.
They cannot sit by themselves calmly, look out onto the ocean, read a book and sip a coffee/tea alone. They need surrounded by people 24/7, so that person can tell them how great they are, how wonderful their outfit looks, that they are the best in the world, etc, etc. A narcissist needs their ego propped up by others.
A narcissist needs to be seen, needs to be heard.
They need constant flattery, validation, admiration, attention, pity, and love.

3.) a psychopath can do emotional manipulation but it isn't their main tactic. They have a wider range of manipulation tactics such as perception management, controlling others, blackmail, causing fear, intimidation, domination, etc.
Also, yes, a psychopath can and DOES manipulate a narcissist. If it's between a narcissist and a psychopath, the psychopath will always come out on top. Always.

Meanwhile, a narcissist usually uses emotional manipulation to get what they want. It is their only tool they use in their tool box. Sadly, emotional manipulation does not work on a psychopath. 90% of the time a narcissist cannot outwit/control a psychopath. Emotional manipulation does not work on a psychopath.
(Figuratively speaking- The psychopath eats you, you don't eat da psychopath)

4.)-a psychopath wants to always be in control and WIN. They want to "see the fear on your face".
A psychopath doesn't care about their image.
Need to rob a bank? Steal a car?
The psychopath/sociopath wouldn't bat an eye.

Meanwhile, a narcissist wants to be adored and always be seen in a positive light. They care about their image and what others think of them. "What will the neighbors think?!" and "What about my reputation?!"

Aspd: lack various emotions and feelings/a conscience (sadness, fear, embarrassment, empathy, etc). They know how to socialize and not to make a social mistake. If they do make a mistake, they know how to laugh it off/play it casual. They are like, "Lol my bad. Let me distract you now though by going out to get burgers and a milkshake for you. Yes, yes, I know I'm super kind. But also by getting these burgers for you, you forgot you were mad at me about not taking the trash out or not doing the dishes. :)"

Npd lacks social awareness (They feel such feelings sometimes but want everything to be all about them. They don't recognize or apologize when they make a social blunder. Things go over their head, like "Oh...did you say something? Oh, you're trying to tell me you were in this line up first. Whoops, didn't see ya there.....oh, you want me to move to the back of the line? No, thanks. I'm good here. :)
Oh! Looks like I'm next! Yay!"
or they have a one way thought about something or someone. Like, say they have a bad experience with a person, then that person is just automatically always bad.
With a Npd it's either "your my bff! Yayyyyy! I love you and adore you bff!" or "your my enemy. I hate you. Why should I care about you?" There is no in between.)

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