Ha! I have a good one for this....

"Okay, Yuri, here's what I want you to do... Follow me..."

I walk out of my room and into my parents' and start crawling under the bed.

Aha... here it is!

I pull it out and hand it to Yuri.

"50.... Shades of Grey??? Monika.... What the hell?"

( AN- just so you guys know- I have no idea what is in this book- I literally just got a reference from DDLC meta series and all I know is that there's a character called Christian so yeah... bare with me as I make shit up )

"So Yuri.... Your dare is to..."

I flip to a random page.

"...read this."

I pinpoint a paragraph.

"Seriously? Okay.... Oh Christian... I love you so- Bahahahahahahaha!!! This is just so c-cringey..."

Yuri doubles over from laughing.

"Our tongues dance, intertwined and I feel fireworks explode in the pit of my stomach.... Oh Christian... I've waited so long...."

I barely manage to contain my laughter.

"Oh shit, Yuri.... I was told it was erotic.. but never was I told that it was absolute cringe!"

We both laugh our heads off and eventually calm down, before putting the book back under my parents' bed.

"Oh well... anyway, Truth or Dare, Monika?"

I put a finger on her soft lips.

"Wait... let's go back to my room, okay?"

She nods and we make our way to my room.

"Anyway... as I was saying; Truth or Dare?"

Hmm... if I pick dare, I could be coaxed into doing something embarrassing and stupid... and then again- truth... I have no real embarrassing secrets so...


"Alright, Monika..... what's your sexuality?"

Shit. Oh well... it's a truth question...

"Lesbian... don't judge, please."

Yuri raises an eyebrow.

"Really? I wouldn't have expected that..."

I glower at her.

"Why not?"

"Calm down- it's nothing bad. It's just... all your friends are straight, and homophobic... plus, you're basically the 'popular girl' stereotype- all of which are straight... so I just thought it's a little strange is all..."

I blush slightly.

She does have a point, really... all my friends are homophobic... but how does she know?

"How do you know that my friends are homophobic?"

She looks down slightly.

"I... um... saw them picking on a girl couple so..."

That makes sense...

I nod my head.

"Okay... anyway- truth or dare?"

"Hmm.... Truth."

Okay... I know exactly what I want to ask her but.... How should I go about it? No... this isn't the best idea... Oh! I'll ask this...

Lavender and Lilac ( Yurika )Where stories live. Discover now