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sasuke had naruto's hand in his grasped. their fingers holding onto each other. their heartbeats in sync as they felt their skin heating up from the touch they had.

naruto adjusted the bag he packed for the night. squeezing sasuke's hand a bit.

sasuke began to wiggle his fingers as each finger tapped the tan skin he was holding. his pale cheeks flushed from everything that's happened tonight.

he watched naruto show a painting of him, he was saved a spot from the blond male. he gave naruto a behind hug for comfort, he's holding his hand. and now? they're about to spend the night with each other.

sasuke had movies planned, snacks they could eat, blankets they could share. anything naruto wanted, he would give him. naruto was not going to have a bad experience.

they stepped onto sasuke's front porch, sasuke let go of his hand to grab his key and unlock the door. immediately his hand felt cold. a frown creased his lips when he no longer felt naruto's clutch. he opened the door and turned to face naruto, his blue eyes looking up from his phone to see sasuke holding the door for him.

"after you." the onyx male said.

naruto had a faint red blush, "thank you. you're so kind." he walked in.

"only to you." sasuke mumbled. he closed the door behind him and looked around his mansion. "big brother! i'm home!" when he got no response he shrugged, "must be a late night."

"come on!" naruto grabbed sasuke's hand again.

he forcefully made sasuke follow him. the male lightly laughed at that.

"where are you taking me?" he asked.

"to the living room."

"the living room is the other way." sasuke slapped a hand over his mouth to hide the laugh. he bit his palm when he noticed naruto's ears red from embarrassment.

naruto turned them around, walking the other direction. after a few know-it-all comments from sasuke, naruto found the living room. and he was very proud to have found it, ignoring the pale male that he helped.

because to naruto, he didn't.

"is there anything you want?" sasuke asked. "i can make some popcorn, chips, get some candy... maybe even pork ramen." each food he said, the brighter naruto's eyes got.

so sasuke made all of it. while the ramen and popcorn was cooking, he grabbed the chips and candy putting it on the floor in front of naruto. he was scrolling through every possible platform to find a show or a movie to watch. sasuke smiled at the sight and went back to the kitchen. he saw the ramen and popcorn ready.

he put them into serving bowls and began walking to naruto.

"yeah, i'm at sasuke's." he was silent for a bit, "sakura!" he whined, "stop worrying about me and have your little girls night with ino." he nodded his head, "mhm, see ya!" he hung up and turned to sasuke, giving a giant closed eye smile. "just sakura's nightly check up. let me help you with those!"

he got out of the blanket and and stood up. walking to the slightly taller male. he helped take some of the load off of sasuke, the pale male gave a fond expression.

"naruto, i'm here to make you feel better. you don't need to help."

"well," he cocked his head before squatting and setting things down as he waited for sasuke to join his side, "helping makes me feel better. now i found this really cool show! and i'm so glad they put it back onto netflix, but it's avatar the last airbender."

sasuke set the rest of the food down. "excellent choice." he said.

naruto perked up at that, throwing the blanket over sasuke's back. they were slightly hunched over as they pigged out on every ounce of food laid out.

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