⛓Ch. 4: Forgetful Dealer

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I shrug it off and decide there's no reason for anyone to notice it's me since I don't live on campus or stay late.

Once the baggies are packed, I slip the bags into the red suede bag like always and tighten the drawstring. Leaving it on my kitchen table, I change into a black hoodie and black sweatpants and don't forget to throw on a black mask to cover my identity in case this student were to recognize me. I throw the hood up to cover me completely and slip on my white sneakers, snatching my workout bag from beside my bed since this hoodie has no pocket to put the red bag in.

I toss out a few empty water bottles and my boxing gloves only to be met with a soaked through bottom.

"Fuck." I sigh out as I head into my kitchen with the bag, draping it over the back of one of the chairs to air dry.

I check the time and run back into my room to grab my school bag, throwing its contents out onto my bed and stuffing it with my wallet, keys, and the red bag with all of the weed in it. Once I'm ready, I leave and start to walk down the road, heading the same way to school like how I usually would and it definitely feels weird going there so late.

I make my first delivery at some girl Sam's house that's on the way, making me a bit over one hundred dollars in cash total from her big purchase. Cutting through a few side streets, I end up back on the sidewalk next to the main road that leads to my college and after enjoying a good fifteen minute walk, I arrive just across the street from the dorms.

I'm outside and am wearing all black. I'll be at the benches.

I send my message, chuckling at how mysterious it sounds, and take a seat on one of the benches just outside the main door, about fifteen feet or so from it. Looking around, I spot some familiar faces I see in class and pray to whatever god there is that no one notices me. I watch as students head back from their evening classes while looking absolutely drained of energy.

"Hey." A deep voice startles me as I look up to see a tall man with dark curly hair and a black hood up, "You're who I was texting right?" He asks to make sure.

"Yeah, here you go." I sit up and open my bag that's resting on my lap while he sits next to me, "Taehyung, right?" I eye him once to get a good look, look back down, and then suddenly glance back up when realizing why the name sounds so familiar.

"Yep." He nods, "I didn't get your name, though."

Yeah, and you aren't going to since I know damn well my fifth grade bully will remember me!

I mentally slap myself and think fast, too many thoughts hitting me at once.

"Just call me D... for dealer that is. I don't use my real name for safety reasons." I pass the blame off, using legal reasons as a scapegoat which works since dealers typically stay anonymous here since it's illegal.

I try not to show my sudden nervousness as I take the money from his hand, passing the clear bag off to him in return.

"Sick, thank you. Have a good night." He pockets the baggie and I hurry to shove the money into my wallet and toss it back into my bag all while standing up.

"No problem, goodnight!" I politely throw a hand up as a brief wave and then turn to head back home.

What is Kim Taehyung doing here?!

As I get further away, I still hear his deep voice in the distance as he calls out to another student who's passing by and I glance back to see Taehyung pulling the shorter boy into a headlock, messing the student's hair up just like how he used to do to me in fifth grade all the way into eighth grade.

"Once a bully, always a bully." I sigh out in disappointment.

I make a mental note to try and never run into him during school. I hadn't even known that he went to my college and I must've gotten lucky to not run into him until now by chance.

Reminiscing on old memories, I feel embarrassed as I remember how he was only in third grade when he started to bully me, myself being a student in fifth grade. He was always around me as much as he could be yet was never nice, always calling me names and making others laugh at me. He was a pure jerk but somehow he became popular amongst students for his good looks and class clown like ways. The blunt person I am today would never settle for that bullshit he put me through.

"Fucking dumbass." I shake my head at myself, disappointed in my younger self for not standing up against someone two years younger than me.

Once home, I study for only a half hour for the class I had earlier before passing out from exhaustion. After completely not sleeping the night before, there's nothing more that I could need in the moment besides a good night's rest.

Except maybe my black leather wallet that accidentally missed my bag when I thought I tossed it in.

who do you think has it😫

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