Chapter 112: The Storm that Brews Madness

Start from the beginning

Akatsuchi had been caught,


Present Time...

As numerous nuclear explosions shot forward, Satsuki continued her pummeling with great extent, her fists shooting forward with invisible speeds.

After some time, the nuclear explosions that seemed almost endless, stopped happening; and only leaving the remnants of smoke and dust that polluted the air.

The explosions slowly died down, revealing Satsuki with an adequate amount of lack of damage on her petite body.

Under her was Killer Bee - the Jinchuriki of the 8th Tailed Beast.

"You were pretty strong for someone who had awakened their latent talent in the spur of the moment." Satsuki jumped off the body that seemingly was able to float on the water while under the pressuring power of Satsuki's feet.

"And I wonder how strong others would be if they unlocked an even higher latent ability," Satsuki spoke to herself, "and it worries me that you might reach a level that might pose a threat to Naruto."

They might not be able to reach and defeat Naruto at his full power, but due to him constantly growing in strength, he must hold back even more than before.

Satsuki looked down at Killer Bee. "'Cause this gift that has been bestowed upon humanity is dangerous and can pose a danger to us." She slowly walked away.

"And it won't take long before the tiny ants start damaging the skin of the almighty deity." There was radiating around them, but they were Shinobi.

And they were full of abnormalities.

"You know it, too. You have an adoptive older brother that wants to protect you." Her body disappeared from afar.

"It would hurt if someone you cared about died."

"And I'll kill anyone who tries to hurt him." An oath was created, binding the two Shinobi together in a close-knit that was handled with the utmost care.

And as time went by...

The second day arrived.


Naruto placed the transmuter near his mouth.

"Can you 3 hear me?" He asked, his voice reaching the ears that sat on the other side of the transmuter. He heard 3 voices come together.

"Yes, we can hear you."

Their voices came together in unison, speaking the same 5 words at the same time in a simultaneous manner.

"Good. This way it'll be more efficient in knowing what I should do based off of what they are doing." He gestured for Karin to go first.

"I'm in Unit 3; and it's being led by a person named: Might Guy. The person who is assisting him is Rock Lee." Naruto was quite surprised by this information.

He did not know that Might Guy had recovered from the injury placed before him. But it was rather obvious that the reason why he is able to continue was due to new arms made from Aphrodite.

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