Chapter 25: The Kyuubi's Resolve

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The team walked through the dirt ground as they made their way to the Land of Waves. They were taking their sweet time making their way to their rightful destination.

"We're about just in the territory." They nodded, noticing the slight mist roaming around the air. After a few more minutes of walking, they had finally caught sight of something from afar.

"Over there," said Tazuna, pointing right at the bottom of the bridge. There was a man there, waiting for them to arrive in time. They nodded and went towards the boat.

"Hello, Tazuna."

"Hello to you, too." They all got on the boat, slowly rowing down the waters of the wave. This did raised very large suspicion and had questions looming right over their heads.

"Why are we going so slow and why are we so quiet?" Asked Sakura, using a very quiet tone of hers. Tazuna and the man sighed, knowing that this was a time for explanation.

"This is so we don't get caught. People are after Tazuna for some odd reason." Sakura nodded at that explanation that was courtesy from Kakashi himself. He looked at Tazuna.

"I'll ask this nicely. Why are you being chased after? Who are you being chased after by? If you don't answer these two simple questions, I'll end this mission once we reach shoreline." Tazuna gulped, nodding his head knowing that this was bound to happen sooner or later.

"Fine, Fine. I'll give you an explanation, said Tazuna, readying himself for this deep and detailed explanation.

"This man that arrived at our country just over a year ago is responsible for all of this shenanigans that is currently happening." Kakashi raised an eyebrow, curious on what he was talking about.

"Who was it?"

"He was named Gato, one of the most richest businessmen in the entire nations." Kakashi slightly widened his eyes, now learning of this bit of information that Tazuna was talking about.

"When he came to our country just over a year ago, he took seize and control of everything in the Land of Waves. Be it being the economy, people, everything. The reason is because the Land of Waves is a country that is not connected to any other nation and is just an island." They nodded. Tazuna pointed towards the bridge that was right above them all.

They all looked up.

"But this bridge is what Gato fears. If this bridge is completed, everything that he has gained via drug-trafficking, illegal sales, etc — it will all be wiped due to the Land of Waves being connected to a nation." They were finally getting it now.

They suddenly entered a tunnel. Everyone looked at the front, wondering what could possibly be at the end of said tunnel. Once they got out of the exit, they saw the mist that was around them before magically be no longer there.

Everything was so vibrant and bright.

"We're almost there," said Kakashi, getting nods from the others. Naruto, Satsuki, and Sakura got theirselves ready just incase they were going to be engaging into another battle.

They soon made it back on land where they actually belonged on.

"Alright, this is the stop. Now get off." Naruto could feel it — the man was scared beyond insanity. They all got off of the boat and once again walked on land.

"Keep guard," told Kakashi, getting another 4 nods from them all. They all walked around Tazuna as they entered a forest of some sorts. They all kept on walking on and on.

Naruto suddenly heard a bush rustle.

He pulled out a kunai from his holster and threw it towards the rustling bushes. They all turned at Naruto, slightly startled. Everyone eyed at Naruto, wondering what he had just heard.

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