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After defeating Natsu, Zeref left without a word. To an extent, the guild was far from normal.

Lisanna tapped my shoulder. Her eyes were red and sore from crying. "Hi, Lucy...I have something to say..." She began, voice weak.


She swallowed hard. "I--Zeref--made me...a lot stronger and...I'm going to put it to good use. You'll see. I will help you, Lucy. I promise."

I smiled softly at her efforts to comfort me. But she just ran off as she said that, not allowing me to respond.

I sat at the table, sipping a milkshake, my head aching. I missed Laila. Dearly.


Laila clung to my arm. "Your highness! What is this...?" She asked, holding out a milkshake Mira must've given her.

"Oh, that's a milkshake," I said, saying the word slowly, as if I was speaking to a toddler.

Laila scoffed. "Your highness, I will have you know that I am many centuries older then you!"

"Possibly in age, but not in knowledge." She deflated like a balloon. "Your highness..." She whined.

"So much for being centuries older, eh?"

"Pardon me, your highness, but you can be quite annoying."

I snorted. "Perhaps."


My throat tightened at the thought of her. How naive I was, to think she'd always be there.

How naive I was--to not spend more time with Natsu, who was and always will be, my family.

I stood up suddenly, throwing the milkshake away. People stared sympathetically as I sulked out of the guild, for my hair was hardly brushed, and large, dark bags were under my eyes.

For I had been spending all my time at a certain place, a place where I spent all my time now.


Tears formed as I bent down on one knee, next to the grave. 'Natsu Dragneel'.

I stared at the grave, looking at Natsu's picture on it, where he was smiling widely, that old childish, carefree grin.

The same person who had held me, cared for me, was now 6 feet under. And it was all because of me. I crumpled into a ball, the tears wetting the ground.


I wandered over to Natsu's old house, to find Happy. When I poked my head in, he was not there.

But I saw a small, golden leather notebook. Part of me told me not to read it. That it would only bring me more pain. But yet, I did.

Journal, it's been weeks since Lucy left. I miss her greatly. I wonder if I'll ever be able to tell her?

Journal, it's been a year. My faith is slowly dwindling. But...Lucy is a Fairy Tail Mage. I know she'll return home, to her family. To me.

Journal, Lucy's back...although not the way I remember. Her eyes are now dull and cold, and I miss the optimistic Lucy, who's eyes were glazed with hope. But, this Lucy or old, I'll still love her. I always will.

Journal, I think...I think I'm slowly gaining back Lucy's trust. And...I'm going to tell her. I'm going to tell her I love her, that I always will. Maybe...just maybe...she'll love me, too.

That was the last entry. The last entry of Natsu's journal. My heart suddenly felt hollow, and I just lay on his bed, not even having the will to cry anymore. My head hurt...my heart hurt...I loved Natsu. I really did.

So why does everyone I love always die?


Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. As my eyes steadily adjusted to the dimming light, my gaze widened.

"N-No..." I whispered, my hand covering my agape mouth. "You can't be..."

Laila stood there, the evening wind making her hair ripple. Some tints of pink were still visible. "Your highness..." She whispered.

"Laila!" I cried, running up to her, embracing her. I began to cry, harder and harder. "Is it...is it really you?! What happened?! Please...let it be you...please."

Laila too was crying. "I don't know what happened...someone sacrificed their life force to save the both of us."



I turned around. No, no...no...this had to be a dream...it couldn't be real.

Natsu stood there in the dim light. I ran up to him, squeezing him. "NATSU! YOU IDIOT!"

Laila watched us, smiling sadly. "Still...someone sacrificed themselves...but who?" Laila pondered, biting the edge of her fingernail.

My eyes widened.

Lisanna swallowed hard. "I--Zeref--made me...a lot stronger and...I'm going to put it to good use. You'll see. I will help you, Lucy. I promise. You kept true to your promise to bring us back here, so I too will help you. Mark my words. No matter if it even takes my own life."

"I...it was Lisanna..." My voice wavered. Natsu's eyes widened, pained. He just squeezed me harder. "We...will mourn for her later...As of right now I have something that belongs to you Luce..."

I was shocked Natsu would brush something off like that, so whatever he was going to give me must be really important.

I backed away expectantly. He held out a small black box. "I believe this belongs to you, Lucy Dragneel. Open it."

Tears brimmed my eyes. As I opened it, I gasped. It was a beautiful ring, in the shape of a heart, pure, sparkling diamond.

"So, will you marry me, Lucy Heartfilia?"

My eyes widened, and my heart was suddenly filled, no longer a hollow, empty shell. Laila and Natsu were here beside me, once again. Lisanna may be gone, but she didn't leave without reason.

She sacrificed herself so I could be happy.

"Yes! A thousands times yes! I would LOVE to marry you...Natsu Dragneel."

A/N: I was gonna make it have a sad ending but I couldn't! I'm sorry if it turned out to be corny...I originally was going to make it sad but...well I dunno. Do you guys like it better this way? Please comment! Happy Shipping!

Book officially over now.

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