The Dancer

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Noah sat watching in the private alcove above the club as the darkskin beauty entered, she was with two other people- a man dressed in a purple velvet suit and a tall willowy blonde with purple and reddish streaks in her hair. The darkskin woman made a striking silhouette, her petite curvy figure spilling forth in the red wine coloured dress she wore. Noah watched as the crowd parted and she stepped into the opening on the side of the dance floor, her feet encased in gold strappy sandals. Noah guessed her natural height to be five-foot-two but in those fuck me heels she was a solid five-foot-eight. This woman had sex appeal radiating in waves off of her, Noah observed the slight glares from the women as they hurried to pull their men closer to them. She was perfect. Noah slowly sipped his brandy and a plan began to form in his head.

Amari felt the immediate appraisal of everyone as soon as she'd stepped through the entrance of the club. She was nervous, small droplets of sweat dripped down between her breasts. Kat had forced her into this dress, said it would impress the people she was gonna meet tonight. It's not like she wouldn't wear this kind of dress but more for in a private setting with her man. Oh, her man she thought of his juicy, lo-.

"Girl, I told you that dress was going to kill it." Kat yelled in Amari's left ear. Kat had her arm hooked in Amari's arm crook. She too was a striking figure. Her model-like features making her a standout and with long blond hair and colourful streaks she cut a maddening path in a crowd.

"Yeah but you didn't say cut off my air circulation." Amari replied back. The dress was tight, hella tight around the waist.

"Girl hush! You know you look damn good."

"Yeah you right." Both of them glanced at each other and dissolved into giggles.

"C'mon sis. Let's get ourselves some courage."

"I like how y'all just gon leave a brotha behind." A deep voice rumbled out. The girls shrieked with laughter.

"First of all Derrick you is not a 'brotha', second don't eva use that tone of voice with us." Kat shot back. Yes, Derrick the third to their trio thought he was a black man just because he grew up in the hood and drank purple juice. Never mind that he was a bisexual Hispanic dude.

"Aight mamcita." Derrick replied, hands raised in surrender. His velvet suit shined prettily. "You want me to put it down? All you gotta do is asked."

"Derrick, nobody wants ya bony behind." Kat said, cutting her eyes at him.

Derrick's eyes twinkled as if he knew a secret. They'd reach the bar and Amira ignored their bantering, used to it by now. She wondered why they never sexed and got over it. It would make everyone happier and more relaxed.

"D'usse and lemonade, please."
"Coming right up." Amria watched carefully as the bartender made her drink.

"You getting that Jay and Bey again?" Kat questioned,

"Remember what happened the last time?"

"I don't?" Amira stated and cracked up laughing.

"All I'm saying behave yourself." Kat said, attempting a stern face but ended up cracking a smile. "You on your own this time."

"Girl bye, when have I never behaved myself?" Inquired Amari.

"Ohhhh I don't know the time with Keisha when you had an all out brawl because you let spilled that Keisha's boyfriend had a train of dudes ran through him and-"

"Hold up! Everybody knew bout that."

"Not Keisha."

"I see your point"


"Kiss my ass."

"I'd love to." Kat said, her eyes lowering suggestively.

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