♥︎♡ ! >﹏< 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝟱𝟴 !

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the next morning should be sort of exciting and flirty after what yeonjun and i did last night, except it's not. it's just sad and miserable and empty and hopeless. i hate it all. siwoo has emailed the details. my flight is at 6:00pm meaning i have the day at school to say goodbye to everyone.

pulling into the school, everyone is looking at us. eyes follow the car.

"see you guys later." juwon says quietly, getting out of the car and heading for the school. bless him, people are even staring at him as well.

yeonjun and i remain sat for a second in silence. after last night, we're closer than we've ever been before. and it's all about to change.

"uh...about last night." he starts saying.

i look to him. "yeonjun i don't really think this talk is necessary." i say quietly.

he stares at the steering wheel. "yeah, you're probably right." he says miserably. what's the point in that whole conversation if this is where it all ends?

i look towards the school, seeing everyone rushing about like it's a usual day. it's anything but usual for me. this is the last everything. last time walking though the school entrance, last time walking through the hall, last time going to my locker, last time seeing all of the amazing new friends i've made.

"i can't do this." i say quietly, resting my head back against the seat.

he just puts his hand on my leg gently. he knows there's no point in doing the whole 'hey, it's okay, everything will be fine.' thing because we both hate this and know it won't all be fine.

we get out of the car, walking up to the school building. i stare down at my shoes as we walk to avoid all of the faces staring at me. then i feel yeonjun slip his hand through mine. for a second i'm shocked that he does it, because everyone can see. i guess there's no point hiding it now, everyone knows. rumours spread like wildfire around here, and if anyone doesn't know about our little situation, then they've been living under a rock. a massive rock.

we're through the front door and instantly daeun comes at me. she hugs me so tight.

"i can't believe it." she says, still holding onto me. "you can't go. elena can go rot in fucking hell."

i just kind of laugh half-heartedly. how else am i supposed to respond? she pulls back, scanning my face over. don't look at me like that, or i'll start crying again. then i'm surrounded. liv, kendall, kai, jayden, taehyun, landon, soobin, everyone is just going on about how much this sucks and how unfair it all is.

"right, where is elena?" liv says, scanning around the hallway.

"why?" i ask.

"because i'm gonna fucking kill her, that's why." she says, on tip toes to see over peoples head.

"no, please." i sigh. "there's no point. it's done."

"maybe, but it'll feel pretty damn good, don't you think?" she says. "ah ha!" she says, evidently spotting her. she marches over and instantly i fear for the lives of many. oh god.


"is she serious?"

everyone starts following, eager to see how this goes down.

elena is stood by two guys, both of whom are trying their flirt game on her until they see the army heading in their direction. liv struts straight over, smacking elena's books out of her hands so they fall to the floor. elena's jaw drops and she glares at her former best friend.

"what the hell?!" she screams.

"what the fuck is your problem, elena?" liv responds.

"who the hell do you think you are to talk to me like that?"

"who the hell do you think you are to do something so low? really? you told the principal they were hooking up so she'd be sent home? so you could have your precious yeonjun all to yourself?" liv snaps back. "news flash - he doesn't like you, and i doubt he ever will after you did this." she tells her. "you're a right bitch for doing this - those two are perfect together and you've just torn them apart because of your own selfishness."

"are you kidding me?" elena says. "i was just being a good student by handing them in, if you found out, you would have turned them in too-"

"no i wouldn't." liv laughs. "all of us have known for days and not one of us turned them in because we actually care about them. you care about yeonjun, right? so don't you just want him to be happy?" she says. "yeah, maybe we're terrible students for not handing them in, but that makes us fucking incredible friends. that is something you will never be. since when do you even care about being a good student anyway? you've just gone psycho, you see that, right?" liv says.

elena for a second looks hurt. hurt that everyone knew, and was keeping the secret, and no one told her. hurt that her ex boyfriend is now never ever going to want her back. hurt that her former best friend is now putting her down in front of everyone with no shame. hurt that the hidden truth about her is suddenly being exposed. she feels vulnerable and scared.

"what has happened to you?" elena asks liv, trying to make herself seem like the victim now. "you've known that english bitch for less than a month, and you've known me since middle school, and you're taking her side?"

"yeah i am." liv laughs. "i've known her like three weeks and that's enough to know that she is one hundred percent more worth it than you. she's everything that you're not, which, by the way, is everything good." liv says. i feel a little warm inside when she says that, but mostly, i'm just terrified about where this is going and i hate that the entire hallway is listening to it.

elena is still playing the victim, looking all hurt and distraught. maybe she is hurt. who knows? didn't think this robot was capable of emotion. "you used to be my best friend, liv." she says. i'll admit, her tone is quite convincing, she does sound very upset. but liv can see straight through her and is not about to back down.

"yeah, sorry hun, that was fake." liv says, and i admire her for just being one hundred percent honest. "i was pretending to be your friend so you wouldn't go all psycho on me like you do with everyone else. to be honest, that's probably why you're so popular - because everyone is scared of you." liv says, simply saying it how it is and not backing down. "you see that, right? you're such a toxic, psychotic bitch, you blackmail and threaten people, start rumours, sleep around with half the school carelessly as though their feelings mean nothing, you're just such a horrendous person. this is the final straw, i'm not putting up with it any longer." liv says. "you've literally torn these two apart just for your own enjoyment. you don't give a damn about their feelings or anyone else's, and you don't ever consider the consequences of anything you do. well here are the consequences - now everyone knows that you fucking suck." liv says, and someone whoops from behind us. and some younger kids down the hallway start to clap.

elena just looks at liv, unable to form any words, then her face turns all stern and bitchy.

"before you say 'imma tell the principal'" liv says, reading her mind instantly. "are you sure you want to do that? because i think you know, deep down, that everything i just said is one hundred percent true and more people are likely to back me up over you." liv informs her. i actually love liv but am now also kind of scared of her.

elena knits her eyebrows in frustration, trying to think of how to respond.

"look, you don't need to argue and get me back." liv says. "you could just think 'actually, you know what, she's right. no point arguing or dragging this out. let's just leave it at that and end the fucking drama.'" liv says, trying to teach elena a little something about maturity.

everyone stares at elena. she's just silent, staring at liv. then her eyes timidly flick across the hallway at all the faces looking at her, at all of the people who are watching her and not defending her. that's right. the rat has been put back in her cage.

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