♥︎♡ ! >﹏< 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝟰𝟲 !

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so daeun, liv, kendall, landon, jayden, and taehyun all took me outside where we sat on the bleachers in a huge circle. there are a few students also sat on the bleachers a little further down, and the school team is practicing american football in the field.

"okay so what the fuck is going on?" jayden says to me.

"you and yeonjun? are you together?" taehyun asks me, shocked that one of his closest friends didn't tell him.

"no, well, i don't know." i say.

liv rolls her eyes with a playful smile. "they've made out six times, so i'm thinking yes." she says.

"six times?" jayden's eyes widen, and everyones all hit with excited shock at this gossip.

"no one can know." i quickly say. "please keep quiet."

"why?" taehyun asks. "what's the deal?"

kendall, daeun's exchange partner, explains. "one of the rules in our exchange programme is that we're not allowed to have intimate relations with our exchange partners." she says to taehyun. "if we break the rules, then the partners are split and sent home early."

"and elena has threatened to expose them to the teachers so chaewon would be sent home, and yeonjun wouldn't be allowed to go to england with her." liv adds.

"why would she do that?" jayden asks.

"because elena is obsessed with yeonjun." liv explains to jayden, landon and daeun - my british bunch. "they've been on and off and she has slept around with half the school but yeonjun is the one she'll always want." she says.

"so what, she just wants you out of the picture?" landon asks me.

"yep." i nod my head.

"and one conversation with the school office is all it would take." liv says.

"what is she making you do?" daeun asks me.

"it's not me." i say. "it's yeonjun. she made him..." i sort of trail off. i don't even want to think about it, it makes me feel disgusting and abandoned.

"they hooked up last night." liv says for me.

"they what?" taehyun's eyes widen, as jayden almost spits out his drink.

everyones eyes go to me, so instantly my head lowers as i stare at the bleachers. let's not cry, okay chaewon? one simple request. don't cry. do not cry. everything sucks - yeonjun's dad smashed his guitar, abused him in front of my eyes and was sent to prison, elena is threatening to send me home, she's blackmailing yeonjun and they hooked up, yeonjun won't talk to me, beomgyu treated me like shit, yeonjun didn't come to help me, everything sucks. everything sucks. everything sucks. no. don't cry. breathe in. breathe out. everything is fine. everything is great. everything is fine and dandy. everything is just hunky dory.

instead of focussing on the bad, i try to think about the good things that have happened lately. yeonjun kissed me. our song went viral - the response has been amazing. and look at all these people around me. look at all these friends who want to help me. there's good in any situation.

"so what do we do?" daeun asks, and everyone sits in silence for a moment before liv speaks up.

"we're going to blackmail elena straight back."

by the end of school, i'm feeling as equally angry, scared, and hopeful. a small part of me is just wondering if it would be better if i did go home. i wouldn't have to deal with any of this. but then i'd have to say goodbye to the new friends i've made - liv, kendall, taehyun, soobin, kai, jihye. and juwon. i hate that i'd have to say goodbye to him. i never thought that i would get so close to him. i'd also have to say goodbye to yeonjun. as mad as i am at him right now, i don't want to leave him. we've been through a lot these last few weeks. just because he's made me angry, it doesn't mean that my feelings for him have vanished.

the final bell goes, and i grab my stuff from my locker with daeun and landon before heading to the front door. we pass yeonjun in the hallway as we go. he's stood with soobin, kai and


elena. he's stood with elena. can this guy just make up his mind? why is he standing with her? why is he letting her hold his arm? how come he's suddenly acting as though he doesn't completely hate elena's guts after everything she's done to him? meanwhile, he has barely acknowledged my existence all day.

he catches my eye, but i instantly break eye contact. i just look straight past him. when he decides to stop being a prick, then he can come to me. i'm not going to be the one to go to him. call it pride, i don't care. i'm mad.

i'm sat on the bonnet of the car in the car park, waiting for him to stop lingering in the school hallway so that we can go home. juwon is not getting a lift home with us because of his soccer practice, so i'm just sat, alone, staring across the car park and sports field absentmindedly.

after a few minutes, i hear a shoe scuff against the gravel as yeonjun approaches the car, and it unlocks. i hear him get inside the car and it jolts as he slams his door shut. really? is he not even going to acknowledge that i'm right here? not one word has he said to me today. not one. i scoff to myself in disbelief, when yeonjun revs the engine so i get inside the car. that does nothing but make me more angry.

i slide off the bonnet, yank open the door to the passengers side and get in. i'm not speaking first. no way in hell.

it's just silent for a second, until he says gruffly "who did that." it was more of a demand than a question.

i look to him, and he's just staring straight ahead. "what?"

"your wrist." he says. but he's not looking at me.

i glance down at it. it's slightly purple now. just slightly. turning my head out the window, i quietly say, "beomgyu."

there's a pause, before the whole car shifts, and i hear his door open and close. i turn my head back to him. he's no longer in the car. what is he doing? i watch him walk back towards the school, just madly frustrated at him. he vanishes behind the bike shed, and i sigh, sinking into the seat impatiently. could he not have told me where he was going? or why? or how long he's going to be? no. of course he couldn't. because he's being a pain in the ass.

i stare out of the front of the car, watching the figures in the distance playing soccer. i spot juwon. he's good. quick. i could imagine him being a professional when he's older.

i flinch slightly when the door suddenly opens again and yeonjun gets inside, slamming the door shut. the engine is on, and he reverses out of his parking space without a word. what just happened? i glance towards his right hand on the gear stick, and notice that his knuckles look red. wait. did he just do what i think he did? did he just...? what?

i don't say anything. i just look out of the window, not having a clue what to think. he's acting as though he hates me, yet i'm pretty sure he just marched over to beomgyu to punch him in the face.

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