♥︎♡ ! >﹏< 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝟱𝟮 !

22 4 9

"close your eyes." his voice whispers in my ear, making me feel all tingly inside.

my eyes flutter closed and i hear him open his door.

"if there's a snake in here or something i will not hesitate to kill you." i say.

he chuckles, directing me inside. he sits me on the edge of his bed, facing the headboard and i feel the mattress sink to one side as he sits in front of me.

"okay." e says quietly. "if you don't like it, i won't be offended, you don't have to keep it, it's not that great but-"

"yeonjun, shut up." i say softly with a smile, and he stops rambling.

"okay sorry, just...don't have high expectations." he says. "okay. open."

my eyes are instantly drawn to a canvas he has placed on the duvet between us, ever so slightly wider than a sheet of a4 paper. it's a photo of two figures sat on a bench from the back, looking out across the city of new york. one figure is a boy with broad shoulder and black messy hair, with his arm around a girl. the girl has straight dark brown hair cascading around her shoulders, and the sun is streaming down to create this warm sort of butterfly feel, reflecting off the skyscrapers in the distance. i immediately recognise it to be of yeonjun and i, sat on the bench on top of the rock. wait. it's not a photo. it takes me a second to realise - it's been painted. yeonjun painted this. i blink down at it.

"oh my-" i look up to his face, and he's looking at me, almost cringing as if he thinks hate it. "yeonjun, this-" i look back down to it, lifting it up to get a closer look. "this is amazing." i say as my eyes flick across the canvas.

the detail is unbelievable - it's so incredibly accurate, i genuinely though it was a photo. he must have copied this from a photo that juwon or siwoo took without us noticing. i can't even put into words how insane it is. it's breathtaking. i physically can't even articulate how beyond amazing it is. the colour matching is completely flawless, i can't see one mistake or make out any imperfections. it's so realistic - the definition of our hair, the way the blue fades into the few fluffy clouds, the micro details of individual windows on individual floors of individual skyscrapers, the way the light reflects off of the water in the distance, the texture of the bench, literally every aspect is so incredible beyond belief.

i look back up to him. "yeonjun this is incredible." i tell him.

his face softens. "really?" he asks.

"what do you mean 'really'?" i scoff down at it. "yeonjun it's honestly flawless."

"so you like it?" he asks, somewhat relieved.

"i love it." i smile down at it, my eyes travelling the canvas once again. "this must have taken you ages." i say. "when did you do it?" i ask him.

he shrugs slightly. "i had the base done last week, was adding to it most nights after you went to bed." he says. "needed to do the final touches last night."

that makes sense. he made me stay out of the kitchen last night so i wouldn't see him going in and out of his art studio. he suggested the girls as a distraction and his evening with "the boys on the roof" was just a made up story so he could disappear for hours.

"this took you less than a week?" i ask him. "i didn't even notice you." i say with disbelief.

"because you were in bed most of the time." he laughs slightly. "took me hours every night." he says. "i didn't really have time to do the finer details on our clothes, and the buildings aren't completely accurate-" he starts to say, as though this painting is flawed in many ways.

"yeonjun, stop, it's amazing." i say.

"thanks but-"

"you're picking it to pieces." i laugh. "trust me, yeonjun, it's amazing."

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