♥︎♡ ! >﹏< 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝟭𝟮 !

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i scream.

suddenly beomgyu's weight is pulled off of me. for a second i just stare at the sky, breathing deeply.

"what the fuck are you doing?" yeonjun's voice shouts at him.

"dude, not cool." beomgyu responds. "can't you see i'm in the middle of something here?" he says with a sneaky voice.

then i hear the first smack. i sit up shakily, seeing yeonjun stand with his fists clenched by his side and beomgyu with his hands up to his face.

"the fuck?!" he shouts before charging at yeonjun, tackling him to the ground.

i didn't know what to do. i freeze as beomgyu strikes his fist right across yeonjun's face. 

"beomgyu. get off him!" i get to my feet and run towards them.

but then yeonjun pushes him off and rolls on top of him. the two of them roll across the grass throwing hits. "get outta here, chaewon." yeonjun says to me, now on top.

"what?" i scoff. but i'm ignored.

"when a girl says stop, you fucking stop!" then yeonjun punches beomgyu so hard across the face that i hear blood splat against the grass. oh my god. they roll around more, tugging at clothes, throwing bunches and shouting out with rage.

"stop!" i shout.

"don't you ever, ever touch that girl again!" yeonjun shouts. "you lay one finger on her and i swear i'll rip you to pieces!" he punches him again. "you get that?"

yeonjun stands over beomgyu, who lays weak and panting on the ground.

"i said do you get that?" yeonjun scowls down at his friend. although i'm not so sure they're friends anymore. and it's my fault.

beomgyu makes some kind of grunt of acceptance, while raising his hands to his bleeding face.

i stare at him on the ground, still shaking from the feel of his touch.

yeonjun turns to me, a hand on my face. "are you okay?" he asks me.

i don't really respond.

"we're leaving." he says, taking my hand and pulling me away. we don't say goodbye to anyone. we just go. when we reach the car, he turns back to me. "why happened?" he asks me quietly.

"h-he started kissing my neck." i start saying. "then my lips, and he was pushing me back-" i say, but i'm interrupted when my face is just buried in his chest and he hugs me tight. i feel warm and sheltered, safe in his arms. i feel so vulnerable right now. i think he just hugged me for around five whole minutes. i just didn't want him to let go. he wouldn't.

"thank you." i say. "i'm sorry." i eventually say, my voice muffled in his clothes.

he pulls back. "what? why?" he asks.

"i shouldn't have gone with him." i say. "you just fought your friend-"

"he's not my friend. not now." he says.

"see, it's my fault. i just ruined your friendship with him-"

"no, don't. he did that. he did that all on his own." he tells me. "you have no reason to feel guilty." he says.

"i do-"

"you don't." he says. "chaewon, you were the victim, okay? don't think like that." he says.

i look up to him. his thumb brushed under my eyes gently. i didn't even realise i was crying.

he opens the car door for me. "come on, get inside." he says.

i sit down, and he closes the door behind me before getting in his side. he looks at me. at my neck. he raises his hand to the collar of my shirt and pulls it down. judging from his expression, there must be a few visible hickeys. his expression shows upset and guilt over anger. 

"did he touch you?" he asks me.

my lips come apart but no words come out, apparently that was the only respond he needed.

he closes his eyes tightly with furrowed eyebrows and his hands running through his hair. its silent for a second.

"god damn it!" he suddenly shouts, smacking his hand against the dash board.

i look at him.

"i should have been watching you. i should have kept an eye on you." he shouts.

"you did." i say. "i could see you watching me the whole evening." i tell him. "this wasn't your fault."

"i walked away." he says. "why did i fucking walk away? i should have stayed with you. i shouldn't have let you out of my sight." he says.

"yeonjun, stop blaming yourself for this." i tell him.

"i told my mom i'd keep you safe." he says.

"yeonjun, stop it." i say. "look, i'm fine."

"no you're not! you're covered in hickeys, you're shaking and you have tears down your face! you're not fine!" he shouts.

i wipe my tears away. "most girls are treated that way at some point in their lifetime." i say to him. "it shouldn't be the norm, i'm not saying it's okay, but i'd rather it was me over daeun or one of my friends." i say to him. "i'll be fine." i say. "it's over."

he looks at me. he just shakes his head, disappointed in himself. "i let it happen." he mutters.

"oh my god! shut up!" i say to him. "you didn't let it happen, you beat the crap out of him." i say. "i'm lucky you came and stepped in. if it wasn't for you i'd probably still-" i say, catching my breath at the thought. i look down. "let's just go home." i say quietly.

there's a moment of silence before he turns on the engine.

that was strange. yeonjun's been acting as though he hates me but he just beat up his best friend for me and hugged me, acting all protective. this boy gives such mixed signals.

there's no music on the drive home. just silence. i stare out of the window blankly. well that amazing night just turned out to be a complete disaster.

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