♥︎♡ ! >﹏< 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝟯 !

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the next morning, i wake up around 6ish and get showered and ready. it's strange that we're going to school but we don't have to wear a uniform here. so i just put on some grey jeans with an oversized sweater, and then i brush my hair and head downstairs. 

sat at the table are juwon and jihye. jihye waves to me as i enter the kitchen, but she avoids speaking since her mouth is full of food. juwon looks up and smiles at me.

"hey." he says.

"hi." i smile at him.

sehun turns around from where he was making coffee. 

"good morning." he smiles at me.

"morning." i respond.

siwoo walks out from her office into the kitchen. "morning, chaewon. did you sleep well?" she asks me.

"yes. thank you," i smile at her.

"what would you like for breakfast? we've got toast, cereal, cake pops, sehun usually cooks a full english on weekends but we can make an exception-" she starts offering.

"what? that's not fair." juwon starts saying. "dad, can i have-"

"no." sehun laughs.

"i'm happy with cereal, thanks." i say, slightly amused.

"she's so polite isn't she?" siwoo nudges juwon. "you could learn this lot some manners." she laughs, making me smile.

"i'm polite." juwon argues with her.

"me too!" jihye chirps up.

"hye, polite people don't speak with their mouth full." sehun says to her while handing a mug of coffee to siwoo. "did you want a drink?" he offers me.

"no, i'm okay thanks." i say to him, while siwoo gets this milk out for me to have with my cereal, and i smile to her with thanks.

i noticed juwon was doing homework at the table while he was eating. he was tapping his pen like he was frustrated and couldn't remember something.

"what is it?" sehun eventually asks him.

"can't remember the product of anaerobic respiration." he sighs.

"this is why you don't do your homework the morning before it's due." siwoo tells him.

"is it in plants or muscles?" i ask juwon.

he looks down to his paper. "muscles." he says, looking back up at me curiously.

"lactic acid." i say to him.

his parents look between each other, smiling slightly.

"huh." he smiles. "thanks." he says. "wait, i thought it was ethanol or something." he says.

"in plants or yeast it is ethanol and carbon dioxide." i clarify for him with a small smile.

he looks up at me with a smirk. "cool." he says. "thanks."

"god, can we keep you forever?" siwoo says to me, and sehun laughs with agreement.

i chuckle.

"so you're a brainiac. what else don't we know about you?" sehun laughs.

i shrug with a laugh, although i didn't think that knowing the products of anaerobic respiration makes me a brainiac, i just remember it from gcses.

"hye, go see what's taking your brother so long, will you?" sehun then says to jihye, who plops her cake pop onto her plate and runs off.

i still haven't met yeonjun. i've been here since yesterday afternoon and all i've seen is the top of his head from my bedroom window.

"is he giving me a lift?" juwon turns around to his mom.

"he said he'd take chaewon in so i should think so." siwoo says. "go on, go brush your teeth and get your shoes on." she says.

he's taking me to school with him? 

after breakfast, we leave the kitchen and head into the big hallway so we can go upstairs to brush our teeth. but coming down the stairs is a figure. a tall figure with perfectly imperfect scruffy jet black hair which goes in all directions, over his deep-set eyes. they're a dark brown color, so dark that i almost can't see them from all the way down here. his shoulders are broad and his facial structure is strong and chiselled. he's got smooth skin, pouty lips and a scar down his chin. he's wearing a big black sweater with blue jeans. i wasn't expecting him to look like that. and by "that" i mean absolutely flawless.

"yeonjun, mom says you're taking me to school." juwon says to him as we wait for him to reach the bottom of the stairs so we can pass him.

yeonjun looks up from the stairs and glances at him. "what? why?"

"if you can take chaewon, you can take me too." juwon says.

yeonjun's eyes shift onto me, and they scan my body up and down curiously and he defends the stairs. he doesn't really have any expression on his face. he just studies me. part of me is intimidated but the other part is just intrigued.

once he's fully scanned me over he sort of half smirk until he's vanished into the kitchen. i stand there for a second, letting out a breath i didn't realise i was holding.

not long after, we're ready to go.

"you nervous?" siwoo asks me as i'm sat tying up the laces of my shoes.

i shrug. "a little bit." i tell her, just as yeonjun comes and sits about a meter from me on the front porch as he does up his shoes. he's sat close enough for me to smell his cologne. it's not strong, just enough for me to notice it.

"it's normal to be nervous. the boys are all a bunch of rat bags, ain't that right?" she says in yeonjun's direction playfully. he doesn't respond. he just kind of rolls his eyes which for some reason i found attractive.

"he's moody." siwoo tells me as if he isn't sat right there. "maybe you can snap him out of it."

"mom." he says.

"okay, okay." she lifts her hands in surrender, making me smile. "you just let him know if you need anything. he'll help you." she says. "won't you?" she turns to him pointedly.

"mm." he responds half-heartedly.

she tuts and rolls her eyes. "boys." she shakes her head at me.

i smile slightly.

"okay, you guys get going, don't want to be late." she says. "see you later." and she's gone inside.

juwon leans against the car door of the passenger seat, as it's not unlocked yet.

"sit in the back." yeonjun tells juwon.

"why?" juwon groans.

"my car." he says simply.

juwon swings back his head as he goes to the backseat. yeonjun unlocks the car before opening the passenger door for me, although he's not actually looking at me.

i hesitate slightly. i mean, that's sweet. kind of. i get inside. "thanks." i say, and he closes the door behind me.

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