♥︎♡ ! >﹏< 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝟱𝟭 !

Start from the beginning

i hesitate, staring at the screen for a second. i'd say we ended things around three months ago. it wasn't because the feelings were gone, it was because he was moving away. two years, we were together. it's crazy how close you can become with someone in that time. i feel like he knows anything and everything about me and vice versa. we were childhood friends. i'd be lying if i said i didn't miss him. but i don't think i ever truly loved him, if that makes sense. i mean, i loved him. but i wasn't in-love with him. does that even make sense? i wonder what he's doing in weymouth - the seaside tows he has moved to. does he ever think about me?


"hmm?" i turn to yeonjun.

"i said are you going out with the girls later?"

"oh, yeah, we're going shopping i think." i say.

"thought so." he says, as we pull in to school.

why do i feel guilty about thinking about jake while i'm with yeonjun? is that bad?

heading through the school, i'm suddenly bombarded with people rushing over. daeun and kendall are first, and it doesn't take long for taehyun, kai, liv, landon and jayden to come over too. they're all screaming happy birthday and there are hugs all around.

the chatting and giggling and cooing and gushing goes on for a little while, and the school day continues. i'm getting a number of comments from people i don't even know, it's a little bit strange actually but nice i guess. i've had messages flooding in thorough the day, some from friends, some from family. i'm sat in the canteen laughing with everyone when i'm looking at my dms. fairly near the top, there's a message from a verified account, meaning they must be a notified public figure, celebrity to global brand. um. well that's kind of a big deal. the account name is riderstewart and the profile picture is a guy with a dark black background, it seem like it's professionally shot photography. he's middle aged, very athletic sort of figure, with a sort of intimidating smile thing going on. for some reason i'm scared to open the message. instead, i look up the account and click on the profile. there's no bio or anything, but it says music producer under his name. oh my god. has a professional music producer messaged me? what the hell? should i be excited? scared? confused? all of the above?

when daeun says my name and starts talking about some kind of funny memory with alcohol, i lock my phone and do my best to zone into the conversation. i'm trying my best to look as though i've not just been dmed by a professional music producer. i need to tell yeonjun. how will he react.

the craziness of the day almost makes me forget about the dm. the school day went by so quickly, it feels as though six hours went past in six seconds.

after shopping in times square with the girls, which was the best, kendall has driven to yeonjun's to drop me off. the guitar i bought for yeonjun is across my lap in it's brand new case with its brand new capo and brand new small set of picks. i don't even want to talk about how much i spent. it was so much, but it was my money that i had earned so it's up to me what i do with it. so i did this. i don't even feel guilty about it.

we've pulled up outside, and i don't want yeonjun to see the guitar yet. i want to keep it a surprise. i'm about to open the car door to get out, but then the front door opens.

"shoot, what do i do?" i say quietly.

"he's going to see it." liv says in a panic.

"we could wait for you to go inside, then we'll hide it in the bush for you?" kendall suggests.

"yeah, good idea!" daeun says.


"we're in the car, he can't hear me." daeun says.

"daeun honey, you're loud as fuck." liv says, making us all chuckle.

"go on, he's waiting for you." kendall says.

"he'll get suspicious." liv adds.

"okay, okay." i say. "thank you guys so much for today." i say to them all.

"no problemo pal!" daeun says. "happy birthday love!"

"yeah enjoy the rest of your birthday." kendall says.

"see ya, dude." liv smiles to me.

i smile goodbye, while sliding the guitar off of my lap discretely as i get out of the car, making sure yeonjun doesn't see it.

"hey." he smiles to me.

"hi." i smile back.

"nice time?" he asks, holding the door open for me as i come inside.

"yeah, really good." i smile up to him.

"good." he says. "come with me."

i look up at him with a suspicious smile as he begins to lead me up the stairs. he walks me across the landing and plants me in front of his bedroom door.

"close your eyes." he whispers.

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