Jake had a rose in his hand and so he walked over to Britt offering her the rose. He heard the music and devised a plan. "Princess Britt, May I have this dance?" He asked her. Britt looked at Jake and being polite she accepted the rose and went with him to the dance floor. Bre knew Jake was up to something but around that time Bre noticed someone walk over to her asking her to dance too. She didn't know who he was but she accepted with dancing with him.

Atem was a little late to the ball so when he walked in and seen Britt was dancing with Jake. He started to feel a slight pain in his chest. He wondered what could cause such a pain.

<i>What is this? Jealousy? Am I Jealous that Britt is dancing with her friend?</i> Atem thought knowing he'd never thought he'd be jealous of someone.

After the song was over Britt walked away from Jake though he tried to follow her. She made a quick move to lose him in the crowd as she wanted some alone time. Sighing she relaxed against the wall. Looking through she saw some Princess's were talking with Atem and once again her mixed emotions of him came back. But there was something else there too she just couldn't figure out what it was until she remembered the last ball and realized what it really was.   <i>Jealousy.</i>

A few hours passed to the ball being half over yet Atem and Britt hadn't come into contact with each other. Britt and Atem were walking through the large crowd of royals from the opposite ends. They were not paying attention when they bumped into each other.

<i>It is odd how we bump into each other just like back when we were kids.</i> Britt thought.

Both of them were quiet but Atem saw the rose in her hand. Seeing it was from her friend he removed it and had her sister hold it. The next thing that happened Britt didn't expect as Atem moved a few strands of her hair and then put the rose he had behind her ear so it could fit perfectly in her hair. That made her blush slightly that he did that but she tried her best to hide it.

Atem looked at her for a second seeing the blush. He didn't say anything about it but offered her his hand. "Would you like to dance Britt?" He asked. Britt wondered what his motives and intentions were but she agreed to dance with him. It started off awkward between them at first with their past of what they had done to each other. Her slapping him and him letting her fall into the water. It was after a few moments that things seemed to calm.

When things seemed to be fine between them. Someone got up where everyone could see them. Princess Anzu was more looking at Atem and Britt but also listening to what was going to be said. "I would like to announce the betrothal of Princess Britt and my son Prince Atem." Atem's father said.

After that Britt and Atem both seemed to stiffen at the announcement. They didn't want to be betrothed let alone be forced to marry the other if they didn't want to. After that they rest of the ball was quiet for them. They more became distant after their dance as they were not taking the news of the betrothal that well. But they knew it was their duty as a Prince and Princess to follow through with what had been placed before them.

Hours passed and soon the ball was over, Britt went to the bathing room to just relax. With being allowed in certain areas she knew that it would give her time to process this. The water was warm and she just didn't know what to do anymore.

<i>I feel so confused about Prince Atem. I mean I used to like him and now we are of age that each of us is going to marry someone soon..i just never thought we would be betrothed. Now I do not know if we are on good terms or not.</i> Britt thought.

It was a little later she got out and then she went out after being dressed. Her hair was wet but she didn't care with the night cool air on her skin. She walked through the hall following the moon light. Around that time Atem was also in the hallway walking around thinking. He stopped when he saw Britt come into view. He could see she was watching for if Bakura was going to show up.

Atem was about to go away when he heard guards coming. To keep her safe he was near her and pulled her into the dark area. Britt panicked in thinking Bakura had her again so she was going to scream. Atem knew if she screamed it wouldn't be good so he did the first thing he could think of and.. kissed her.

Britt stiffened as she felt the kiss. It was her first kiss and she couldn't believe this happened. She started to raise her hand to slap him when she saw him adjust catching a glimpse of tri-color spikey hair.

<i>Prince Atem?!</i> Britt thought shocked that he had taken her first kiss. Though she doubted this was how he planned for this to happen.

Guards passed them and then Atem pulled away. He was about to leave when Britt subconsciously pulled him back into another kiss. This time Atem was surprised knowing they had been friends/enemies for awhile. He gave in and kissed her back.

The kiss seemed to be for a little while and they took small breaks between the kiss. "I am sorry I slapped you." Britt said through one of the small breaks. Atem heard her and during the next break he spoke "I am sorry that I let you fall in the water." He told her.

It took a few minutes before they snapped back to reality. When they did they both parted from the other in shock at what had just happened between them. Neither of them said anything and both of them returned to their rooms.

What'll happen next? Are Atem and Britt falling for each other and if so will true love conquer or will Jake get in the way of it all?

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