Sequel chapter: The proposal

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A/N: Hello there! I hope you enjoy this little sequel chapter as much as I enjoyed coming back to this story after months and writing it! Also there is a wee bit of spice in this chapter ;)

It had been about six months since Thomas woke up from his coma and a lot has changed since then, all good things mostly. Sure some things were still difficult but we were working on it, no family is perfect.

I sat in the passenger seat of Thomas' car, smiling like crazy. You see Thomas had proposed to me about two months ago and I was looking at my ring, replaying the happy memory in my mind.

~ Two months ago ~

Thomas had taken me to a little cottage out in France, right next to vineyards. It was like a fairytale with the weather being lovely the whole time we were there. A part of me never wanted to leave that place again. It was a Tuesday afternoon and I was sitting outside on a picnic blanket in the garden with Thomas laying on the blanket next to me. We were talking about random things while I made him a flower crown out of daisies.

Once I had finished I proudly put it on his head. He just pouted but then laughed and grabbed his phone, flipping the phone camera around to face him. "It looks amazing darling" Thomas complemented, with a cheeky smile. "Thanks" I grinned, laying down next to him and snuggling into his side. He then wrapped his arms around me and sighed happily. "I wish we could stay here forever" I thought out loud.

Thomas chuckled beside me "yeah me too but we already have a home in London, where we have lots of friends and family and where James is waiting for us to return" He reminded. "Yeah that's true, also we can't speak French" "well I can" Thomas boasted proudly. "Oh yeah, sure" I laughed "hey I can" he complained. I just laughed some more and got up "sure you can" I mocked, speeding back to the cottage. "Oh now you'll get it little lady" Thomas got up and ran after me.

Quickly I ran inside giggling like a little school girl while trying to close the door but he was faster than me and stopped the door from closing with his foot. "You can't get away" he smirked and picked me up spinning me around. The whole room was filled with mine and Thomas' laughter. He then sat down on the couch with me still in his arms. "Hi" he smiled up at me. I just chuckled, looking down at him. "Hi" I replied.

Thomas lightly leaned up and kissed my lips before trailing down my neck and slowly nibbling at the spots he knew I liked so well. I knew exactly what he wanted but decided to tease him and make him suffer for a little while. Chucking inwardly, I pushed him back slightly, kissed him teasingly and got off of him smirking. I then walked off to the kitchen to get something to drink. As I walked off I heard Thomas grumble something along the lines of 'such a tease' which made me laugh loudly.


Later that day Thomas told me he had something special planned and that I should wear something pretty. Since it was summer I decided to go for a nice flowing white dress.

Once I got dressed I walked down into the kitchen, seeing Thomas preparing a picnic basket. "Ohh what are you doing there?" I questioned curious. "It's a secret" Thomas informed shooing me off, so I couldn't see what he was doing.

Once everything was packed and prepared we got in Thomas' car. "Where are we going?" I wondered. "It's a surprise" was all he answered and drove off with a mischievous smile plastered on his face. We drove for about a half and hour before Thomas stopped and parked the car. "Okay follow me, we are almost there" he said taking my hand.

It was about another 10 minutes on foot before we arrived at our actual destination. It was a lovely hill side that had an outlook over the vineyards and lots of flower fields. I turned around facing Thomas with an overjoyed expression. "You like it, love?" He asked, already knowing my answer. "Like it? I love it" I cheered hugging him tightly.

Thomas laughed and hugged me back just as tight "I'm glad. This was my favourite place to come as I was younger and went to France with my family" he smiled, kissing my forehead. "Come let's sit down, get comfortable and watch the sunset" Thomas guided me over to a good spot and unfolded the blanket, laying it on the floor so we could sit on it.

We talked, laughed and ate for a while. I was starting to get cold though so Thomas gave me his jacket, which I was grateful for and snuggled into him. It was about 10 pm now and the sun was slowly setting. "I love you y/n" he whispered in my ear. "I love you too, Thomas" I smiled up at him. I then leaned up and kissed him, moving to be sat on his lap.

Our kiss deepened and I tangled my fingers in his fluffy blond hair while his hands pushed my dress up to the point that he could place them on my hips and pull me closer. I then slightly pulled on his hair, knowing he liked that and he instantly tightened his grip on me. After that I trailed kisses down his neck while very slightly and slowly grinding on him.

Thomas half laughed half groaned while saying "you're finally done teasing me?" With that I trailed my kisses back up and looked at him with a smirk "perhaps." I took off his jacket that he let me borrow and chucked it over to the other side of the blanket. Just as I chucked it though I saw something fall out of one of the pockets form the corner of my eye. Instantly Thomas had this panicked look on his face when I tried to reach for what had fallen out of his pocket. Before I reached it though he grabbed my hand and pulled me back over to him.

"Hey don't worry about that, it's just my cigarettes" he tried calmly convincing me but I knew he was lying. "Mhm" I replied unconvinced, getting off of him and crawling over to the other side of the blanket. "No! Wait y/n don't" he followed me, grabbing my legs and trying to stop me. "Why? What is it? What are you hiding?" I questioned, trying to get out of his grip. "Nothing" he squeaked, now really panicked. "You're lying" I raised my voice, finally getting out of his grasp and pushing him backwards.

Once I managed to get to the mysterious thing that fell out of Thomas' jacket pocket I took it and stood up, my back turned to Thomas. I looked at the box and instantly knew what it was. My heartbeat quickened and I turned back to Thomas, who was now kneeling in front of me. After seeing my shocked expression Thomas chuckled and took the box out of my trembling hands, opening it. I almost dropped dead from the sight in front of me.

It was a engagement ring with three diamonds, one big roundish one in the middle and two smaller ones next to it. The ring had a gold setting and wasn't too big. It was exactly how I had always imagined my engagement ring.

I was so shocked, my brain not totally understanding what was going on, when Thomas started talking. "Y/n, my love. We have been through so much together and yet our love has never failed. I love you so, so much, that words can't even describe it. I never thought I could or even would love someone like I do you, I have never felt the things that I feel with you before. The intensity and passion we share, drives me mad. I was an idiot all those years ago for not fighting for you and for our relationship but I won't ever make that mistake again. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and James by my side and possibly other little ones that might arrive in the future" Thomas chuckled the last part which made blush rise to my cheeks.

Then he became serious again. "So y/n y/l/n, will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the whole bloody world?" "Yes! Yes, I will marry you Thomas" I cheered happily, the happiest I have ever been. Thomas smiled and stood up slipping the ring on my finger. He then hugged me and I hugged back even tighter, never wanting to let him go. Thomas placed his hand on my cheek and kissed me with so much love. This kiss felt different though. It wasn't just a normal kiss, it was a promise, a promise that we'd be together forever no matter what happened.


I shook myself out of my memory totally forgetting that Thomas, James and I were going shopping today. "Hey, are you okay love?" Thomas questioned, parking the car. "Yeah of course, let's go" I smiled getting out of the car, helping James get out as well. Thomas nodded and followed me, taking my left hand and James' right one so he could hold the both of us close to him as we all walked side by side.

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