4. Awkward silence *edited*

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A/N: I whipped out some German in this chapter but don't worry the translation is right behind it. 

Ava and I arrived at the door of the living room and for a second I wanted to just turn around and run out of the house as fast as I could. Ava must have noticed my unease and gave me a calm reassuring smile. 

With that we walked in. Everybody was talking and the room was fairly big with many separate tables and one big one where the food stood.

In the left corner I instantly spotted Thomas and my god did he look gorgeous. His hair was the same golden fluffy blond but it was combed back.

 He was wearing a blue suit with a dark red handkerchief in the left bocket and a dark red shirt on, that matched his handkerchief. Instead of buttons his shirt had a zip up the middle that made the outfit look even fancier.

He still had the same intense chocolate brown eyes, slight wrinkles around his eyes and forehead but he still looked pretty young for the fact that he was now 31 and what surprised me was that he had an earring on his left ear but it suited him, made him look sexier then he already was.

 I forced myself to look away not wanting him or anybody else to catch me staring. 

At first I didn't even notice that Ava had left my side and was now making her way over towards Thomas and Victoria's table. But seeing her make her way towards them I kind of freaked not wanting him to see me just yet. 

I quickly found James and went over to Dylan who was in the middle of a conversation with Emily, a girl Ava and I meet at a coffee shop and became good friends with years ago. 

'Let's hope she remembers me so I can start a conversation with her and face Thomas later or hopefully never. Ha if it were just that easy' I thought.

 "Heyyy" I said with so much enthusiasm it almost seemed fake. "Omg y/n hi it has been so long" 

"Yeah I know right" I chuckled and scratched the back of my neck.

"I'm gonna leave you girls to it" Dylan said walking away. 'Nooo Dylan come back here you little shit' I thought.

 He knew exactly what I was trying to do. Obviously he didn't know Thomas was James' father but he knew I was avoiding him and Dylan wasn't having any of that. He could be a real prick sometimes.

 I was talking to Emily for a few minutes before I noticed somebody's eyes on me. Without needing to turn around I knew whose it was. 'Damn Ava must have told him I'm here'

I looked to James and bent down to him since he was facing Thomas' direction "Schaut ein Mann mit blonden Haaren und einem blauen Anzug in unsere Richtung?"(Is a man with blond hair and a blue suit looking in our direction?) I asked James in german knowing only he would understand what I was saying since I was originally from Germany and made sure to teach him how  to speak it was well. 

 He just nodded "okay schaut er jetzt immer noch in unsere Richtung?"(Is he still looking in our direction?) I mumbled. 

"Ja, Mama wieso schaut er in unsere Richtung überhaupt?" (Yes mom why is he even looking in our direction?) James asked confused. 

 "Ist eine lange Geschichte mein Liebling ich erzähl es dir später" (It's a long story I'll tell you later darling) I told James, smiling while running my hand through his dark blond hair. 

"Okay Mama! Er läuft aber jetzt in unsere Richtung" (Okay mom! But he's walking in our direction now) I panicked after James told me that Thomas was walking towards us but tried not to show it. 

I quickly got up and stood straight patting my dress down. Not a second later I felt a hand on my shoulder and I passed out from the feeling of his hand on me. 

I turned around and was met with those beautiful brown eyes. He seemed stunned for a second but to honest so was I. 

Thomas then scanned over my face, looking at everything that had changed but somehow stayed the same. After a few seconds he realised he was staring and looked a way. I was lost for words, I wanted to say hello but nothing came out of my mouth.

Finally he managed to say something "it's good to see you" was the first thing he said to me in five years and it was refreshing to finally hear his voice after so long, even though his voice was slightly hoarse.

Maybe he was just as nervous as me? After a few seconds I realised I hadn't said anything back yet so I mumbled a quiet  "yeah you too" and then silence again, awkward silence.

The awkwardness and tension between us was thick like fog, luckily James seemed to notice and quickly spoke up. 'he is so smart for his age' I grinned inwardly, proud to have such a bright son. 

"Mommy when's food ready? I'm really hungryyyy" James said dragging out the 'y' in hungry. I looked down, ruffled his hair and said "any minute now Jamie don't worry." 

James did this really cute pouting face, the same one Thomas used to do and hugged my leg whining. I looked back up at Thomas and he had a mixture of emotions on his face but I could only decipher one: pure utter shock.

"Y-you have a child?" He stuttered, baffled. "Yes I do" I smiled. "Thomas meet James, James meet Thomas" I said and Thomas held out his hand for James to shake. 

James not really being sure what to do just kind of fist bumped it and I couldn't hold back a laugh. "No Jamie you're so silly. You're supposed to shake it" I demonstrated by shaking Thomas' hand that was meant for James but then instantly regretting it.

Thomas' hand was so soft and warm. He had a strong hold on my hand kind of like he didn't want to let go. As we made eye contact again I felt like I was melting though our moment was interrupted by James whining "my turn, my turn mommy."

 I let go of Thomas and let James shake his hand. It was funny because James was so confident about it which was good it's just that Thomas' hand could fully wrap around his. I laughed again and saw Thomas trying not to laugh as well.

Ava called for everyone to sit down and eat so James and I made our way to go sit in the corner by Dylan but Thomas stopped me. 

"Would you want to eat with me and Victoria? I haven't seen you in such a long time and I'd love to catch up. Of course I'd also love to know more about James." Silently, without directly asking I knew what he meant by the last sentence, he wanted to know who James' father was.

I just nodded in reply and Thomas guided James and I towards his and Victoria's table. 

'Great what have I gotten myself into...couldn't I have just said I already agreed on sitting next to Dylan or something like that.' 

I sighed, this was going to be one long awkward evening.

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