5. Rising tensions

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I sat down across from Thomas and I could feel Victoria glaring at me but I ignored it and looked over to  James. I heard Victoria whisper to Thomas "what is she doing here with her annoying little shit of a son?" Really pronouncing the word she. "Victoria don't be bloody rude, y/n and I may have dated in the past but we are just friends now. I haven't seen her in years and would like to get to know her again, no need to be jealous." Victoria just mumbled something along the lines of 'I'm not jealous she should just leave us alone.'

Thomas didn't even reply to the last thing Victoria said, not wanting to argue with her in front of his 'ex and her child.' Thomas just smiled at me and James "So how have things been? You live in Germany right?" He asked, seeming truly interested. "Yes I live in Germany with James and things have been great actually how about by you?" "oh lovely." We started talking catching up and laughing about the past, till we all got up to get food.

I prepared James' plate first so he could eat since he kept complaining about how he was 'starving.' I went to prepare my own but Thomas stopped me. "Here you go love I already prepared yours" 'love' he hasn't called me that since before the night I left' I wondered. "Oh thank you Thomas but what about you or Victoria?" I questioned.

"Victoria already got her own food and I saw you hadn't got yours yet so I did it for you. Now take it and don't be stubborn" he insisted. "Yes I remember how stubborn you were and most likely still are" he said with a little smirk on his handsome features. I grumbled a little but took the plate. He just laughed in return and walked with me back to the table.


Honestly dinner was a blast aside from the occasional glare from Victoria. Thomas and I got along so well, it's like we just picked up were we left of five years ago and it wasn't awkward with him at all. James got bored after a while said he didn't care about the 'grownup talk.'

I just laughed at that and gave him his colouring book I luckily brought with me. You'd think he'd want to play with cars but no he likes to color which I think is great that he wants to explore his artistic side. I always like to call him 'my little Da Vinci.'

"So how was it taking a two year break from acting?" I asked Thomas, just as he is about to answer, Victoria cuts him off. "Who actually is James' father?" I was stunned that she would actually ask something like that, in front of James no less! "Uhh well I-I" I stuttered "well?" Victoria pried again. "Victoria stop obviously she doesn't want to talk about it so just drop it, please?" Thomas answered for me.

I looked at the time wanting to get out of this awkward situation and noticed it was almost midnight. "Oh dear look at the time it's almost midnight. Jamie you're way past your bedtime. Well me and my little shit of a son best be going then" I said looking straight at Victoria remembering what she called us earlier.

Her face heated up with embarrassment and she looked away. Thomas knew that I had heard what she had said but didn't expect me to lash out, than again he knew exactly how I ticked so he gave me a 'don't do it look' and I just grinned at him. "Come James pack up your coloring book and let's go" I said and James instantly stood with his things already packed.

"It was lovely seeing you again Thomas and it was nice meeting you Victoria have a good night" and with that I got up and James grabbed my hand and we made our way to Ava and Dylan to say goodbye.


After our goodbyes we put on our jackets and shoes and went to leave but I heard somebody call my name. I turned around and saw Thomas, as he approached us I told James to wait in the car and gave him the key. "Wait y/n before you leave I just wanted to apologize about Victoria's behavior but what you said back there wasn't okay either"

"I expect your apology but you don't have anything to apologize for. Also I am sorry about back there, it's just I heard her earlier and it really angered me that she said that and you know that I'm a hothead sometimes and that obviously still isn't an excuse and I-"

"Love it's fine don't worry about it" Thomas cut off my rambling. "What I actually wanted to ask you is if you wanted to maybe meet up again to catch up and talk you know?" For a minute I thought he was asking me out on a date but then I remembered he's got a girlfriend 'stupid me just focus and answer the hot blond god in front of you' I thought.

"Uhhh yeah, yes sure wait let me give you my number and we can text or you can call me if you want" he nodded. "Of corse only if you've finally figured out how to use your phone" I sassily giggled.

He just laughed and shook his head at my sassy way. What he said next made my heart melt. He looked back up and said " you're exactly the same, haven't changed at all, you're just as beautiful too. The woman I fell madly in love with" and I swear I heard him say 'and still am' at the end but maybe my mind was playing tricks on me, I mean it is late.

"Good night Thomas" I smiled giving his cheek a kiss and gave him my number. I left the house before looking back and seeing him smiling like a Cheshire Cat at the door. 'This could get very interesting indeed' I thought and got in the car. As I backed out of Ava's driveway I saw James already asleep in the back seat.

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