9. I need to know

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It was a week later and everything was prepared nothing could go wrong now. Or could it? I sat in the living room with Ava, Dylan and James waiting for the guests to arrive. "Mommy why do you seem so nervous?" James asked curious. "Me? I'm not nervous honey" "mhm" he tutted not believing me. Then the doorbell rang and I instantly jumped up but Ava stopped me giving me a 'just relax' look so I breathed deeply and sat back down.

Walking into the living room I saw Thomas and Victoria. 'Shit I forgot she was gonna be here too.' Dylan got up and walked over to Thomas greeting him and at the same time initiating our plan.

~ Thomas pov ~

I saw Dylan walking up to me while I walked into the living room. I looked past Dylan and instantly spotted y/n and god did she look gorgeous 'no Thomas what are you thinking she's your ex and you have a new girlfriend. Bloody snap out of it mate.' Dylan stopped in front of me smiling. "Hey Thomas man how are you?" "I'm good thanks mate how are you?" "Good, good. Victoria" he nodded towards Victoria who just nodded back.

'Well this is bloody awkward' "so Thomas don't want to rip you away from your lovely girlfriend but I have to talk to you" Dylan announced, it really meaning what he said about Victoria. "Okay, I'll meet you at our table than babe" I said to Victoria. I never liked calling her 'babe' but she always insisted on me calling her that. She just huffed and walked away.

"So Dyl what's up?" "Let's sit over here" he guided me over to a table that was in the corner but had a perfect view of the whole room. "Sooo bro" Dylan started dragging out the 'o' in so. " about y/n's kid, wo do you think is the father?" I was wondering the same thing, looking over at her and her son but I didn't want to make it seem like I had thought about it so I answered angrily

"that's why you dragged me over here? To talk about who the bloody father is? Really Dylan? I don't have time for this" I growled getting up. "No, no wait sit back down Thomas" Dylan grabbed my shirt. "Obviously you aren't getting the point I'm trying to make" he complained. "What I'm trying to say is take a close look at the kid. He kind of looks familiar doesn't he?" Dylan wiggled his eyebrows.

I still didn't understand what he was getting at. "Uhh geez Thomas are you that daft. I'm saying that the damn boy looks just like you!" He snapped, getting tired of me not understanding. I was in shock, the moment he said that it clicked, James did look like me. A lot actually. 'How did I not notice that before' I was so deep in thought I didn't notice Dylan leave and walk over to y/n, saying something to her. She instantly got up and told Dylan something as well, than he took James by the hand and walked away to some other part of the big living room.

~ y/n pov ~

Dylan walked over and told me Thomas was informed, now all I had to do was confirm his suspicions. He took James' hand and walked over to Ava and the others. I looked over to Thomas. He was staring right at me. I gulped and started walking over to him 'you can do this y/n. Now or never.' I arrived at the table where Thomas as sitting and smiled weakly. He just sat there his face pale and shock written all over it. "Thomas could we talk? Possibly on the balcony?" "Y-yeah" he stuttered. When we arrived on the balcony we just kind of stood there not sure as to who should talk first.

"Look Thomas-" I started but he cut me off. "No, please let me talk first?" I nodded. Thomas sighed "I just have one question, y/n is he mine? Is James my son?" I couldn't look at Thomas. I just stared at the ground like a child caught stealing. "y/n" he said with more force. "I need to know" his voice faltered for just a second. I looked back up at him and saw he now had tears in his eyes, looking like he was about to break down. I hadn't noticed I had tears in my eyes as well.

"Yes" I said in almost a whisper. Thomas took a step back seeming like he was about to fall over. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again when he couldn't think of anything to say. "Say something, please" I pleaded, sounding pathetic. "I-I don't know what to say to that" he started "I have a child that I never even knew I had until now" he breathed out. Than his voice softened "I missed it. All the doctors appointments, James' first kick, your stomach growing and creating a wonder inside you, the birth, his first word, his first step, his first birthday, his first day at kindergarden. I missed it all."

"Thomas I'm so sorry I-" he cut me off again. "No y/n, you robbed me of those experiences, why didn't you just tell me?" Thomas rasped starting to raise his voice a bit. "I was scared. We had just broke up I thought you never wanted to talk to me ever again. I was going to tell you the night of the fight" "but even after we broke up you never told me" he stood taller, coming closer.

"Damit Thomas I was just 24. I was a stupid kid that got herself knocked up then broke up with her boyfriend and didn't know what to do. I was so scared and I thought I couldn't tell you because you seemed like you didn't care and didn't want the baggage" I trembled. "Didn't care?!" Thomas shouted, now fuming "I cared so bloody much and when you left I was shattered. I loved you so much. Bloody hell I still love you and I would have been overjoyed to hear about you being pregnant" he lowered his voice not wanting to attract attention.

I just broke down and started crying. "I'm sorry, I'm just some stupid bitch and an awful mother" I turned away so he wouldn't see me crying. Thomas turned me around and held me tightly. I cried into his chest while he rubbed my back in a soothing way. "Shhh don't say that, you're definitely not a bitch and you're sure as hell not a bad mother!" Thomas assured.

"Thomas what are you doing?" I heard a women screech. I turned around and saw Victoria. 'Oh shit why does she have to always interrupt' I groaned in my mind. "Victoria!" Thomas let go of me quickly. "I was just comforting her" "yeah sure you were you cheating bastard!" Victoria roared, turned on her heel and left to go the same way she came from. "Bloody hell, I have to go y/n, I'm sorry" Thomas said quickly and left to run after her.
'What the hell just happened?!'  I sighed making my way back down to the living room and back to James and Dylan.

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